Elephant Nose

This is easy enough to fix.

First, fill a glass with tap water. Test for ammonia. If the ammonia level isn't zero, then your tap water has ammonia in it. Note that some water has chloramine added to it instead of chlorine. Chloramine can produce false positive readings with ammonia test kits. Either way, use a water conditioner that neutralises ammonia AND chloramine. Once you've done this, you can be sure the water you're adding is safe. Make sure water changes are relatively small (no more than 20% at a time) and the biological filter should be able to remove this ammonia without causing your fish any stress.

Second, if your tap water has no ammonia in it, but your tank does, then the problem comes from the livestock. Essentially, the filter isn't up to the job. If a filter can process 10 units of ammonia per second, but your fish are making 10.1 units per second, then you'll always have some ammonia floating about in the water. Increase the amount of biological filtration by adding a second filter. Even if the ammonia comes from the tap water, your biological filter should be able to "make it go away" within a few hours. So persistent ammonia readings imply poor biological filtration. Review, and act accordingly.

Cheers, Neale

well the tank is fine minus an amonia problem that i cant seem to get ahead of, but other than that all of my fish are happy and healthy.

the tanke has an emporor 400 and 280 on it both with amonia crystales in the media slots, but with some more water changes the tank has started to become clear, todays change made a huge difference, also due to his size i gave my pleco to a freind and that lowered my bio load by a huge amount. might go for a royal next, but i dont know yet, up for sugestions.

^^ that was my 36 gallon by the way not the one with the elephant nose in it, im beggining a heavier water change regiment on that tank tommorrow morning, should be clear by easter.
The plot thinnens. Why are you using zeolite? (What you call "ammonia crystals".) You should not be. Zeolite is used in very specific situations where filter bacteria can't grow, for example in hospital tanks. Zeolite is not good with anything other than a very small loading of fish, and can't be used in community tank situations. It becomes saturated with ammonia very quickly, and in a community tank, will become worthless within a day or so. Your filter needs to be as close to 100% biological media as possible. Zeolite simply wastes space, and, once saturated, won't be removing any ammonia. My guess here is that your filter may have adequate turnover but has too little biological media, and the zeolite is overwhelmed and saturated.

Do spend some time reading about aquarium filtration. From your words here, it seems you still have some gaps in your understanding. It's important to recognise the importance of biological media. Apart from some mechanical media (like filter floss) to trap fine particles, you shouldn't use zeolite or carbon in a freshwater tank UNLESS you are using them for a SPECIFIC purpose.

Cheers, Neale

the tanke has an emporor 400 and 280 on it both with amonia crystales in the media slots
Sorry for crashing the thread but Nmonks would zeolite dump waste back into the same water in the same way carbon does? iv never heard of zeolite tbh
i have always used zeolite in both of my tanks, and they have always been crystal clear, the emporor 400 and 280 both have bio wheels (2 on the 400, 1 on the 280) and all of mine are full of bactiria colonies. i usualy changes out the zeolite every 2 weeks or so.i honestly think that the amonia cloud came from when i upgraded the tanks and used some of the same gravel, stirring up alot of stuff from the bottom. but through more water changes this week, my 36 is completely clear and testing 0 and my cube tank getting there. i also found that my tap water has some amonia in it. the other thing was i dont think my filter on the cube tank was working at maximum efficiency, i pulled it off the tank tonight and both of the carterges where nasty, i changed them and the zeolite, the filter is now flowing much better and the tank already looks better.

also, this forum started out about the elephant nose, who just so you know, is alive and doing very well, he has grown about half an inch or so.
This is actually incredible Neale you have the patience of a saint!

To the OP - there are so many sources on common oddballs like the Elephant Nose none of which go along with what you have said... Just to add in 100% you should listen to Neale.
I'm glad the Elephantnose is doing well. But remember that it the fish is getting bigger, it's placing more demand on the filter and making water quality management harder. In other words, success up until now doesn't guarantee success in the future.

Zeolite needs to be changed more often that 2 weeks, and after a few days it is so covered with organic detritus and bacterial slime that it is effectively a biological medium. That's the same as for any chemical media. Chemical media work when the media can react with the water, but over time the media is covered with gunk, and that gunk isolates the media from the water, so no chemical reaction can occur. This is pretty basic science and not really up for debate.

The fact you have non-zero ammonia levels demonstrates the zeolite isn't having the effect you are expecting from it. You really must provide more biological filtration. That'll remove the ammonia much better than chemical media.

Cheers, Neale

PS. Wills, thanks for the kind words.

i have always used zeolite in both of my tanks, and they have always been crystal clear, the emporor 400 and 280 both have bio wheels (2 on the 400, 1 on the 280) and all of mine are full of bactiria colonies. i usualy changes out the zeolite every 2 weeks or so.i honestly think that the amonia cloud came from when i upgraded the tanks and used some of the same gravel, stirring up alot of stuff from the bottom. but through more water changes this week, my 36 is completely clear and testing 0 and my cube tank getting there. i also found that my tap water has some amonia in it. the other thing was i dont think my filter on the cube tank was working at maximum efficiency, i pulled it off the tank tonight and both of the carterges where nasty, i changed them and the zeolite, the filter is now flowing much better and the tank already looks better.

also, this forum started out about the elephant nose, who just so you know, is alive and doing very well, he has grown about half an inch or so.
Hi All please help me with some tips about my elephantnose, he is really small lucky if he is 3 inches long, my muminlaw turned up with him and he is not eating from what I can see, I have been to my local aquatic shop who dont seem to know alot. I put frozen food in jug with water out of tank to defrost and put in just before turning lights out, also put frozencube of bloodworm in fingers and held in tank to defrost, then held it just a little in front of him to get his attention . The other problem I have with this is I have 2 yoyo which are pigs and 4 clown loaches which will have the left overs. Also I have small gravel in tank not sand which I understand could be a problem. I have put moonlight tube to help him settle in as I understand they come out at night , so trying my best here also today now I have got fungus on my male rainbow which I think came from the water from the elephantnose as normally I will net the fish from bag once it is climatized to my water but he was so small did not want to scare him any more than had to so treatment is going on for this.
Contacted shop he was bought from at last monday but they would not take him back ahhhhhh some help pleaseeee
He will almost certainly not eat with the loaches.

Do read my earlier messages. This species needs a quiet aquarium with NO bottom feeders or night-active fish. Under those conditions it will take frozen and live foods quite readily.

Cheers, Neale

Hi All please help me with some tips about my elephantnose, he is really small lucky if he is 3 inches long, my muminlaw turned up with him and he is not eating from what I can see, I have been to my local aquatic shop who dont seem to know alot. I put frozen food in jug with water out of tank to defrost and put in just before turning lights out, also put frozencube of bloodworm in fingers and held in tank to defrost, then held it just a little in front of him to get his attention . The other problem I have with this is I have 2 yoyo which are pigs and 4 clown loaches which will have the left overs. Also I have small gravel in tank not sand which I understand could be a problem. I have put moonlight tube to help him settle in as I understand they come out at night , so trying my best here also today now I have got fungus on my male rainbow which I think came from the water from the elephantnose as normally I will net the fish from bag once it is climatized to my water but he was so small did not want to scare him any more than had to so treatment is going on for this.
Contacted shop he was bought from at last monday but they would not take him back ahhhhhh some help pleaseeee
Thanks for quick reply as you can tell bit of a fix as shop would not take him back, I research fish before buying so would not have got him because of my loaches , any ideas on how I can get him to eat and how long before he passes on to fish heaven as I have had him now for 6 days ? :-(
If you cannot provide the specialist setup with selective tankmates, this fish needs to be rehomed ASAP, ideally to someone with good experience at keeping these fish. How long it will survive without eating depends on the condition it was in when purchased, but given how many fish are fed famine portions during the shipping process, this fish will not last long. Please, find it a home (advertise here and other fish advertising sites), even if it means giving it away to someone knowledgeable for free.
He won't eat with the loaches. End of story. They are far too competitive and aggressive. If they only fed in the daytime, then maybe he'd be fine. But they feed at night, just like the Elephantnose, so they'll steal all the food. I suppose you could try massively overfeeding the tank in the hope he'll get some, but then you'd have a water quality problem...

Depending on his size and weight now, he'll starve to death within a few weeks.

Cheers, Neale
If any would like my small elephantnose asap for free then please come and pick him up i live in Harlow Essex if I have posted this in wrong section then I am sorry
I think the subsection you want is this one:


One thing to remember is that Maidenhead Aquatics usually take in livestock even if they haven't sold that fish. There are several branches in the Essex area though I suspect the Enfield branch will actually be the closest.

Cheers, Neale

If any would like my small elephantnose asap for free then please come and pick him up i live in Harlow Essex if I have posted this in wrong section then I am sorry
cheers nmonks for your advice and link :good: he has just been picked up by fishrescue and given the once over and is in great shape so his future is looking long and trunky :nod: cheers cathy

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