electrical fish together?

the knife fish dragged an already DEAD fish... ALL fish do that.
If it wasn't seen killing it you can't just guess and call it a fact! lol

NOT a dude btw

as i said..stop looking at a SINGLE persons opinion... look at sites that have compiled info through scientific study and or many many opinions..NOT one persons GUESS that a knife did the damage.

When you go to the lfs how many knives are in a tank? hm? one? Every single lfs i have ever been in has a tank with dozens in it.NOT one...wonder why they are so willing to risk losing their money that way...hm
KNIFE FISH I that successfully have kept together with other knives and extremely timid fish such as discus




BlueIce said:
When you go to the lfs how many knives are in a tank? hm? one? Every single lfs i have ever been in has a tank with dozens in it.NOT one...wonder why they are so willing to risk losing their money that way...hm


Why do they have 10 red devils in one tank????? would you ever buy them and put 2 in the same tank, i think not! they will fight till they kill each other right away! not a couple of days but right away! if the lfs is right then go ahead and put a oscar in a 20g tank! go ahead and feed your fish once a day! to go by what a lfs says to you in 100% wrong! they sell fish to live! makeing money!

Everyone, what you see in the shop and whats its like when you bring them home are two totally differnt things!

Why do you see 20 Flowerhorns in the same tank in the lfs???? cause their there for a week and then they are sold!
Think about it, you see red devils in the same tank, but i bet there is no one who has two in the same tank, no way in hell and if they did say they have then they are full of it!
you said within minutes bgk will kill each other and are extremely aggressive

the fact that they can be kept in large numbers over long periods of time in the lfs tank shows they are not.
every single site including the ones you quoted says BGK are TIMID
btw how many bgk did you say you had personal experience with?

i'd love some pics of them being aggressive... i'm sure the entire fish world would love that actually.
BlueIce said:
KNIFE FISH that successfully have kept together with other knives and extremely timid fish such as discus

NICI here LOL everyone i know who have discus fish have a ghost in their tank! because everyone knows that their the best of tank mates. you dont need to be frankinstein to know that :D
PS: The discus arent that timid for a cichild they are, but compare to other fish the :cool: caio
Vip said:
BlueIce said:
KNIFE FISH that successfully have kept together with other knives and extremely timid fish such as  discus

NICI here LOL everyone i know who have discus fish have a ghost in their tank! because everyone knows that their the best of tank mates. you dont need to be frankinstein to know that :D
PS: The discus arent that timid for a cichild they are, but compare to other fish the :cool: caio
Discus is timid...

you say bgk are aggressive and killers


that SHOULD = dead discus ;)


get it ?

you could not keep an aggressive killer like the bgk with a timid fish like discus...

oh wait..bgk are timid as well!

no wonder it works!
hmmmmmmm lol :lol:
omg, as we both stated they will kill and/or eat smaller fish.
Discus for a cichlid are not agressive, but as a tankmate fish for other smaller fish they are agressive and do pick and chase.
GGK fight with other eletric fish because they confuse each other with there electrical feilds. I once just put the bag witch my elephant nose was in on the top of the water (for the temp of the water) and my BGK came out already and started to swim up and down, when i let it out of the bag, they were going for it, the elephant didnt stand a chance at all.

Nici.............. speak soon dude :p
you aren't worth the time it takes to post any longer...
i only hope that before others take your word for it they do extensive research.

hope your bgk doesn't kill your oscar... ;)


eating smaller fish doesn't qualify as aggressive ;)
BlueIce said:
i only hope that before others take your word for it they do extensive research.
i really hope so to because as i said the only thing i could find on the net was people with advise not to put them in the same tank, i did not come across one that said it was ok.
BlueIce said:
you aren't worth the time it takes to post any longer...
i only hope that before others take your word for it they do extensive research.
uhh cmon this was a great thread it's a discussion and it's worth proveing the right point take time and read each others evidence i personally believe Vip i've seen many of these links he shown and, and you and the other guy are the only people i have ever heard support keeping bgk and other electrical fish toghether, i have read intelligent websites that were doing research on electrical fish and although this was'nt the purpose of their study but all the fish were kept seperate, It's jsu like i said you two seem to be the minority relyring on personal expirience and the reason your not going to see vips knife atack another large fish is that it'sa knife salker like he said right?

And Vip just something I thought i'd mention too you, The beef heart from what i read is not suposed to be fed to fish as they can't digest mamal fats and it often leads to bloat, you seem like someone who'd like to make up their own minds about what's right but i thought i'd metion it?
:blink: Im getting really sick of this arguing.

Enough of individal fish personallities. you get a fish on its own of course it is not going to behave the way it would normally in the wild.

Every fish is different and they behave that way!!!

I told you I am experianced with these fish. Has anyone every seen them court one an other?

Yes well i have and i am on the way to getting to breed (in captivity).

If anyone wants to know about the true natural behaviour of these fish. I advise to start swimming with them in the wild and study them..

they are not easy to study. hence, not alot is known about them......

So Please stop arguing...............

Be proud that your fish is an individual! :D
vantgE said:
BlueIce said:
you aren't worth the time it takes to post any longer...
i only hope that before others take your word for it they do extensive research.
uhh cmon this was a great thread it's a discussion and it's worth proveing the right point take time and read each others evidence i personally believe Vip i've seen many of these links he shown and, and you and the other guy are the only people i have ever heard support keeping bgk and other electrical fish toghether, i have read intelligent websites that were doing research on electrical fish and although this was'nt the purpose of their study but all the fish were kept seperate, It's jsu like i said you two seem to be the minority relyring on personal expirience and the reason your not going to see vips knife atack another large fish is that it'sa knife salker like he said right?

And Vip just something I thought i'd mention too you, The beef heart from what i read is not suposed to be fed to fish as they can't digest mamal fats and it often leads to bloat, you seem like someone who'd like to make up their own minds about what's right but i thought i'd metion it?
i not only provided quotes (as vip did) i gave the links as well to support my claim that bgk can be kept in groups of 3 or more and that the elec field did not interfer with any other fish.

i also provided pics of long term situtations to prove my points...


The fact is i speak from long term experience of many bgk and africans and goldlines and glass knifefish ....as well as extensive research...
Vip said:
BlueIce said:
i only hope that before others take your word for it they do extensive research.
i really hope so to because as i said the only thing i could find on the net was people with advise not to put them in the same tank, i did not come across one that said it was ok.
so apparently you didn't take the time to read what i posted ? you didn't care enough to read the links i provided? That in and of itself says a great deal...

had you read them you would have seen that bgk can be kept in groups of 3 or more... as well as info on the elec field...
who exactly are you criticising here blue ice?

I did say that you can keep them together.

Mine are courting...........

male/female? would not have a clue......

I advise that the only way to keep them is to replicate their natural enviroment.

Hence more than one.... ;)

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