electrical fish together?

No offence but what a load of crap..........

Go for it, i keep my BGK with my elepahant nose and have no problems. if you want my opinion on it go to the post on black ghost knife fish, I put in a lengthy post there about it.

I've been keeping the both type of fish for a lot of years!!

by know i should know a bit :blink:
Vip said:
They will fight to the death, and the ghost will win.

that is so insane... total bs

have you ever even kept both?

i'm seriously beginning to doubt the info you share...

bgk and elephant nose do wonderfully together.

BGK are most docile just as elephant nose are...

if you have ever ever ever owned a bgk that has been aggressive i would fall over in shock...
BlueIce said:
Vip said:
They will fight to the death, and the ghost will win.

that is so insane... total bs

have you ever even kept both?

i'm seriously beginning to doubt the info you share...

bgk and elephant nose do wonderfully together.

BGK are most docile just as elephant nose are...

if you have ever ever ever owned a bgk that has been aggressive i would fall over in shock...
This is Nici here. No need to get all narky about the situation relax! lol
For your information yes we have both keeped them together for 3yrs and the ghost knife starting riping into the elephant and i had to take the elephant out for his saftey. lol why would i/we lie about this? just because it has worked for you no need to doubt others information, its only a matter of time till your ghost and elephant nose start fighting and if not congratulations :rolleyes: you must have a wimpy ghost cause or ghost knife also attacks vips oscar and my blood parrot. But anyway all the best and theirs no need to doubt others information just because your knife and elephant dont fight.......yet :p i doubt very much my ghost will want another. They hate electrical fish! and if you think thats "bs" then tell that to the internet information providers not us. Maybe why should just scrap all the info we know and hear and just start listening to you since you have all the answers :D he asked for an opinon and thats we we did its up to him whether to belive or not. ghosts are very agressive which you may not relaise since they are night stalkers. before doubting others info why dont you turn off the lights and see for yourself? our ghost is sooo shy and even forget his their but when the lights are off thats when the agression shows. so maybe its time for you to fall over :fun: .
ps: have you ever seen a ghost mouth fully extended? if not let us know and we will show you one. we have seen our ghost rip the beef hearts in half when frozen.

Anyway im done here, good luck and im sure i will hear from you soon.
caio :)
what size tank? and how big are the fish?
i most certainly have seen a bgk mouth fully extended...i've posted pics here on another thread of mine.

There is NO site that says bgk are aggressive with other fish....SOME do say they can get aggressive with each other....BUT i've been keeping them in groups of 3-5 for years and they are NOT aggressive with each other.As well...approx 50% of sites says the electrical field will interfer....BUT if you look at the author of those sites it is just a single person stating that...NOT an expert...expert sites say it doesn't.
Exactly how do you think they spawn if they can't be around each other due to electrical fields?

I have had my bgk in with discus and angels....

BGK are not nippy or aggressive.

You must have a very rare specimen....either that or it isn't a BGK.

here are some quotes from dif sites...

Care:  Feed with small flakes and small live fish. Add plants. The Black Ghost Knifefish is timid and nocturnal. Can be kept with large, peacful fish. A large tank is needed.

SB: This timid species that is territorial and aggressive towards others of its own kind. This species can be kept with without problems with peaceful fish not large enough to swallow. Be sure to provide retreats. This species should not be kept in pairs, although several fish can be kept in a large tank.


Article on the electrical field

This is a fine example of why individuals should research research research...not just take the word of a single person on a forum.

The electrical field is used as navigation...NOTHING more...it isn't a defense and does not interfer with any other fish.There are many scientific studies to back that up.

As far as elephant noses and BGK together...many sites that have a profile of the elephant nose available and have the tool for finding compatible species ...LIST THE BGK as a WONDERFUL choice of tank mate. :)
i got my bgk in a tank with neons and molly fry! and gouramis!He is my msot timid fish......and hes not nocturnal
When the knife gets older, it may start eating your neons and molly fry, and your mollies at that! keep an eye on it :nod:

what type of gouramis?
Doggfather said:
When the knife gets older, it may start eating your neons and molly fry, and your mollies at that! keep an eye on it :nod:

what type of gouramis?
When it hits about ten inches it might eat the mollies as well.

Then again it might not..some of mine love live and some refuse to even look at it.
This is from a Knife webpage.

Arguers: Don’t mix two black ghost knife fish together. They argue very much with each other – especially in small aquaria.

Electric Food Finders. These nocturnal feeders use a weak electric current to locate food in the dark. This makes black ghost knife fish poor tank mates with other so-called electric fishes such as the elephant noses, baby whales, and other mormyrids.
Vip said:
This is from a Knife webpage.

Arguers: Don’t mix two black ghost knife fish together. They argue very much with each other – especially in small aquaria.

Electric Food Finders. These nocturnal feeders use a weak electric current to locate food in the dark. This makes black ghost knife fish poor tank mates with other so-called electric fishes such as the elephant noses, baby whales, and other mormyrids.
url please?

I'd like to see if they did a scientific study to back it up or if it is just a single opinion.

How might they find food in the dark in the wild ? Not only that but there is electrical current all around us...so that kind of rules out interference...they would all have starved to death long ago.
From: Kevin
Elephant nose fish are amazing creatures, I have had the privilege of keeping up to three at one time and they seemed to get along just fine, even in a tank that had limited hiding places. The elephantnose are passive fish and can be taught to eat from your hand, I actually got mine to lie in the palm of my hand. Warning!!! DO Not introduce a black ghost knife fish to a tank if your have elephantnose fish or your fish will suffer the same fate mine did, 1 blackghost knife fish, 3 elephant nose. One by one I would find them stripped to their skeletons at the bottom of my tank, I initially though it could be my tiretrack eel until I found the Black Ghost dragging the remains of the last elephantnose to it's hiding place.. Otherwise the fish are amazing..

Ghost Knife fish are very peaceful as long as they are not kept more than one to a tank.


dude, all i typed in google was ghost knife fish tpgether, and every web page forum states not to add these fish in the same tank. i still go by what i say 100% even more now that i read up more and more.
From: Philippe
Category: Aquarium (General)
Date: 21 Feb 2004
Time: 00:07:55 -0600
Remote Name:

Black ghost fish is not bred in captivity (except for one report from Australia), black ghost knife fish all come from the wild – mainly the Amazon and Paraguay. They should never be keept in the same tank and they will fight and argue, so it’s not a good idea to put two black ghost knife fish together. They argue very much with each other – especially in small aquarium. You can train them to eat from your fingers, they’ll learn quickly. It’s recommended to get them a clear “ghost houses” so they can hide in, like a clear tube so they can be seen and admired. If you give them no place to hide, they’ll duck behind your filter tubes, heater, etc... One trick that will interest you is to lean a piece of slate against your front glass and the black ghost knife fish will quickly slide under your instant hiding place, it works!!! You’ll see your knife fish front and center 90% of the time. Black ghost knife fishes readily eat small live foods – Red Worms, Shrimp Brine. Larger ghosts graduate to guppies, small goldfish, and earthworms but most will convert to frozen foods. Black ghosts grow large enough to snap up neon tetras and similar sized fishes. These nocturnal feeders use a weak electric current to locate food in the dark.

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