Electric Blue Acara with Ich?

Essjay is right.
With your heater temperature set to 86F, you will have the quickest recovery.

You will have to wait for the ich to drop off from the fish, and turn to swimming form before they can be killed by the heat or medication.

[ The life cycle of Ich includes 3 stages. The mature parasite (trophozoites) forms pustules in the skin in order to feed (visible as white spots). Once the pustule ruptures, the trophont settles at the bottom of the tank. Secreting a coating it forms a protective capsule (cyst). Within, the parasite performs a series of cell divisions creating hundreds of new cells (tomites) which are released and search for a new host.]

The medication will be useful to kill the ich in swimming forms but I can't say which is more effective in killing the ich as I haven't done any comparison between the heat and medications effectiveness.
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Essjay is right.
With your heater temperature set to 86F, you will have the quickest recovery.

You will have to wait for the ich to drop off from the fish, and turn to swimming form before they can be killed by the heat or medication.

[ The life cycle of Ich includes 3 stages. The mature parasite (trophozoites) forms pustules in the skin in order to feed (visible as white spots). Once the pustule ruptures, the trophont settles at the bottom of the tank. Secreting a coating it forms a protective capsule (cyst). Within, the parasite performs a series of cell divisions creating hundreds of new cells (tomites) which are released and search for a new host.]

The medication will be useful to kill the ich in swimming forms but I can't say which is more effective in killing the ich as I haven't done any comparison between the heat and medications effectiveness.
Thank you for the information! I will continue with heat treatment then
I am proud to report that my 55 gallon tank is Ich free for 1 week now! Thank you to everyone for their advice! I am planning to do a water change and substrate vacuum today. When should I turn the temperature back to normal? (I usually keep it around 78 regularly)

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