Electric Blue Acara with Ich?

The employee recommended Kordon Ich Attack. She said it would be the best medication what with having the cories and snail. I am able to return it, but was wondering if anyone had ever used it before? It would be nice to not have to use it? I hadn't even thought about all the beneficial bacteria I'd lose when removing the filter pads. I do believe the Bio Wheel is made to hold beneficial bacteria, but im not sure... I have only had the filters about 3 weeks, but the tank has been filled more like 5 weeks
Yes, the biowheel is home for the bacteria as well.

All ich medications are harsh; raising the tank temperature is less harsh for the fish - they can cope with raised water temp during hot weather.
Store workers will always recommend chemicals - they make money from selling them.
Yes, the biowheel is home for the bacteria as well.

All ich medications are harsh; raising the tank temperature is less harsh for the fish - they can cope with raised water temp during hot weather.
Store workers will always recommend chemicals - they make money from selling them.
Ok! I will return it next time we are there then. Thank you, I really appreciate the help. I am almost finished with that water change, I did about 50%, does that sound ok? Should I do this every day? How long should i continue water changes if the Ich appears to be gone?
I wouldn't do the water changes every day - but if Colin_T says otherwise, listen to him. You will need to do the usual weekly water change during the two or more weeks the temperature is raised, so that's at least one water change.
Just wondering how long it will likely take for the ich to go away? And should I gravel vac the sand each day? Yesterday I noticed ich on one of the bloodfin tetras fins. Just a single white fleck.
If using heat to treat white spot, just do a huge (80-90%) water change and complete gravel clean before raising the temperature. This dilutes the number of parasites in the tank. You only need to do a water change once a week while treating for white spot.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

You should also clean the filter before raising the temperature for the same reason. Wash filter media/ materials in a bucket of tank water and re-use the media. Tip the bucket of dirty water on the lawn.

Increase aeration/ surface turbulence to maximise the oxygen levels in the water.

The following link has all you need to know about white spot in fish. Post #1 and post #16 are worth a read.
If using heat to treat white spot, just do a huge (80-90%) water change and complete gravel clean before raising the temperature. This dilutes the number of parasites in the tank. You only need to do a water change once a week while treating for white spot.
Make sure any new water is free of chlorine/ chloramine before it's added to the tank.

You should also clean the filter before raising the temperature for the same reason. Wash filter media/ materials in a bucket of tank water and re-use the media. Tip the bucket of dirty water on the lawn.

Increase aeration/ surface turbulence to maximise the oxygen levels in the water.

The following link has all you need to know about white spot in fish. Post #1 and post #16 are worth a read.
Thank you! I did a 50% water change the day I raised the temps, Wednesday I think. I have vacuumed the sand twice since then, taking out about 3 gallons in the process (which I replaced with water treated with Prime). Would it be advisable to do an 80% water change now, even though I already raised the temps? I planned on vacuuming the substrate again tonight and can rinse my filter media then, or I can do another water change and rinse it
The following link has all you need to know about white spot in fish. Post #1 and post #16 are worth a read.
Thank you for the link! I read that thread when I first suspected Ich, but I just reread it again, cause why not. Lots of very helpful info! Thank you again
Is there any harm in treating with medication? I understand that the medication is harsh on the fish, but would it be better for them to just have the Ich gone? Would the medication be more effective or take effect faster than treating with heat? I am leaning toward medicating, to be honest, but not if you guys think I shouldn't
No it doesn't take longer for heat - possibly less time than with medication.

Ich has a 3 stage lifecycle - on the fish, in a cyst on the bottom of the tank and free swimming. Both heat and medication can only kill it in the third, free swimming stage. The warmer the water the faster the lifecyle goes so with heat the parasite will go from on the fish to free swimming faster than at normal temperature with medication.
Ich is fairly easy to cure and all the advice given so far is good. I just have to comment on your Electric Blue Acara. What an exquisite fish ! I saw a picture of one in Amazonas Magazine recently and fell in love but yours is the first I've seen that a regular person owned. I hope you cure that beautiful fish and have it for many years.
I just have to comment on your Electric Blue Acara. What an exquisite fish ! I saw a picture of one in Amazonas Magazine recently and fell in love but yours is the first I've seen that a regular person owned. I hope you cure that beautiful fish and have it for many years.
Thank you! I adore her, she has so much personality. I too hope she lives for many years, my tank would feel empty without her
No it doesn't take longer for heat - possibly less time than with medication.

Ich has a 3 stage lifecycle - on the fish, in a cyst on the bottom of the tank and free swimming. Both heat and medication can only kill it in the third, free swimming stage. The warmer the water the faster the lifecyle goes so with heat the parasite will go from on the fish to free swimming faster than at normal temperature with medication.
Ohhhh ok. Thank you

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