Ei And 50% Water Change


Jan 3, 2007
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Hi All

I have started dosing my tank with the EI method and have one quick question.

How do you guys go about the 50% water change, my tank is only 30 gallons but this is still alot of water to have to change.

I would like to you use the Python method but am worried about using warm water to get the tank up to temperature etc

Just wondering what you guys do?

Any feedback appreciated

Syphon off 5 buckets full of tank water. When replacing water into the tank I fill a bucket with cold water from the tap and add 1 kettle full of boiling water to bring it to the right temperature. Carry the bucket to the tank and use a jug to move the water into the tank. Takes about 20-30 minutes, but most of that time is waiting for the damned kettle to boil! :S
I'm quite naughty, I use hot water from the tap to get the right temp in each of the two buckets I need to do a 50% change for my tank (well close enough to 50% for my tank without getting pedantic!). I've done this on both of my tanks which are now close to 10-months old.

I'll propably get slated for doing so, but I can't say I have had any issues with this.
My main concern is the potential PH shift. My tap water is around 6.8-7 where as the tank is 6.6.

I was wondering myself about the pH difference now I am using CO2. My tank pH sits noticeably lower than my tap water due to the CO2, so adding the new tap water at the water change must have some affect on the overall ph of the water in the tank? Can't say I have ever noticed issues with the fish though.
i syphon it straigh out of the window (about 2 foot away)

put the amount of declorinator (spelling) in tank stright away

connect the hose up to the mixer tap in the kitchen (using one of those tap adaptors) and get it to the right temp (nearish) will filling the tank up tank

takes about 25 mins from emptying to finished dosing the EI

Cool, thanks for the feedback guys. Will give it a whirl tommorrow with my home made python lol

Am I being dense by not knowing what a python is?
Does it add at the same time as it takes out? How do you know how much you've added, as you'll be taking out some new stuff as it mixes with the old stuff...unless again I am being dense :)
In one mode it takes it out. Then you switch some valve thing and run the tap to fill it up lol

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