Ei And 50% Water Change

Ahh, see, I knew it would be simple! Seems like a superb idea!
Works on the 'Venturi' Principle.

Now you lot can be as anally retentive as me!

Aaron (may I call you Aaron?)
Welcome to the club.

My main concern is the potential PH shift. My tap water is around 6.8-7 where as the tank is 6.6.
Wouldn't worry about it. This is why a min 50% H2O change is done on a Saturday and Sunday is the 'relax & enjoy' day - tank resets itself, allows things to balance out. Plants won't mind as they don't react to changes quickly at all.

Cool. I thought that would be the case. Just a bit worried as I am used to only changing 10-15%, 25% max so it is quite a jump up.

Might syphon the water out of the window, but I live on the top floor of an apartment building, people downstairs might not approve ;)

What club!! I am so excited

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