Eheim Pro2


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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i have a 456 litre/100ukg tank running an eheim pro2 model 2028 rated for aquariums up to 600 litre. i know that i really should have a 2nd filter too but at the moment i just cant afford it. my problem is this. the filter keeps the ammonia and nitrites at a steady zero. i test these weekly using api liquid drop kits results allways the same .

its just that the filter is absolutely useless at removing debris from the water. even tiny littles particles just hover around the filter intake without getting sucked up. i have just cleaned the whole thing out. this is how i did it i took the hoses off and upended the filter so it backwashed then i removed the media trays and flushed them through with jugs of tank water i removed and cleaned the impeller too . its now back up and running.

as i said i know ideally i want a 2nd filter in that size tank but surely this filter should remove n ore from the water its specs are as follows

For Tank litre/gal: 600/132
Pump Output: 1050 l/h
Filter Circulation: 750 l/h
Delivery Head: 2.0mWs
Filter Volume: 7.3 L
Power Consumption: 25 w
Dimensions: 415x210x210

could it be the intake position? its about mid-water at the rear of the tank. could it be that the bubble disc is too close to the filter intake meaning the water there is too turbulent?
sorry mate, on any tank the filter will only remove so much, have you got filter floss in the filter? what about getting something like an internal tertatec1000 and fill it with flterfloss, this is great for filtering those tiny particles and polishing the water :good:
do you gravel vac?i remove everything when i gravel vac, work across the gravel for the bigger bits then push into the gravel all across, i do this once a week :good:
yeah mate i gravel vac weekly when i water change i take out most of the stuff but leave some stuff for the fish to hide in . did have floss in the filter but it got knackered and not got round to getting any more yet. really dont want an internal as i think they are ugly but having said that i want crystal water like i used to have in my little tank. does the positioning of the bubble disa in relation to the filter intake have any bearing on things?
i would imagine the bubbles are creating allgitation within the tank....usually the cr@# in my tank settles on the bottom and then gets caught under rocks/wood, but in your case i would imagine its working its way to the bubbles them obviously getting blown up in the bubble stream thus making a contstant supply of little particles floating around, i used to have a bubble bar and thinking back it was more bitty back then, but i got annoyed with the humming from the pump,, :lol:
all the bubble disc is for is surfcace agitation to help oxygen levels
do you rekon turning off the bubbles will help clear the water without sacrifising oxygen levels?
Well mine was turned off over a year ago and never had a problem, as long as theres surface allgitation then thats sufficent, my filters are aimed just above waters suface to break the suface thus airiating the tank :good:
i rekon i will give that a try. guarenteed to start the missus whingeing she loves the bubbles. have been looking at tetratec 100 internal filter think it was about 30 quid. i can allways hide it with plants and stuff. i hate not having crystal clear water. the stats hold good and the fish are healthy and happy its just for my benefit really
Got the same filter on my rio 300 had the same problem when running 2 6" air stones due to the higher temps while using meds. I don't usual run extra air just have the spray bar aimed upwards so i agitate the water with the spray bar one end and the inlet at the other end of the tank what seems to work for me

edit. for ultra clear water run a UV inline on the outlet side of things i run a TMC V2 Vecton 400 only down side is its a bit on the large side hand to fix mine behind the tank on the wall as it wouldnt fit in the juwel the cabinet
have turned off the bubbles and re-aimed spray bar will leave it like this until morning and see what happens
whats the fish list fully in this tank?some fish get used to airbubbles,,,tigerbarbs if you keep them in an airiated tank then turn it off they will suffer, but cichlids and plecs etc will be fine,,,
yes i brought 2 tetratec 1000 internals my sister also has two,,,they have the option on the top to also have air bubbles,, :shout:

i paid 20 pounds for mine including a free 100watt heater,,, then few months ago shop was closing and brought another new one for 8pounds :shout:
If it's just a fine stuff in the water column then adding a good layer of fine filter wool to the top under th green plate will do the job, clean this weekely and replace when very dirty and this will polish the water.
turned the bubbles back on as it made no real difference rekon i will put some new floss in the extrnal and get the tetratec internal with floss also to help things.
but just for the record stock list is as foilows

1 red striped severum ( as seen in avatar ) proper cool fish love him to bits
1 blue acara
2 angels ,( 1 zebra 1 golden marble )
2 kribs
pictus catfish
gibicep plec
6 bosemani rainbows
3 clown loaches ( lookin to swap for gold sev or similar )
i have a 456 litre/100ukg tank running an eheim pro2 model 2028 rated for aquariums up to 600 litre. i know that i really should have a 2nd filter too but at the moment i just cant afford it. my problem is this. the filter keeps the ammonia and nitrites at a steady zero. i test these weekly using api liquid drop kits results allways the same .

its just that the filter is absolutely useless at removing debris from the water. even tiny littles particles just hover around the filter intake without getting sucked up. i have just cleaned the whole thing out. this is how i did it i took the hoses off and upended the filter so it backwashed then i removed the media trays and flushed them through with jugs of tank water i removed and cleaned the impeller too . its now back up and running.

as i said i know ideally i want a 2nd filter in that size tank but surely this filter should remove n ore from the water its specs are as follows

For Tank litre/gal: 600/132
Pump Output: 1050 l/h
Filter Circulation: 750 l/h
Delivery Head: 2.0mWs
Filter Volume: 7.3 L
Power Consumption: 25 w
Dimensions: 415x210x210

could it be the intake position? its about mid-water at the rear of the tank. could it be that the bubble disc is too close to the filter intake meaning the water there is too turbulent?

cant help feeling that the only problem you have is, under filtration. a 450l tank with a 750l(ish) circulation filter. that's less than 2x turnover. as 5x turnover is what seems to be the ideal rate, you can see why the bits in your water are not being removed. the water simply isn't moving fast enough, to clear anything stirred up from the substrate. your "bio mass" is cleanly up to the job, its just your mechanical filtration thats letting you down.

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