Eheim Pro 3e 2076 And Tetratec Uv Review (lot's Of Pics, 56k Bewar


Dec 27, 2006
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Previous filter set up was like this:

Eheim 2217
Fluval 305
Fluval 205



So many filters? Well, i'd been striving for 'perfectly clear' water - and never quite got it. My tank looked clean... but i wanted the kind of 'mountain stream' clear water you see in amano tanks. Also, when my cichlids would dig, they'd often cloud the water - despite all the filteration and movement in the tank lots of solids were settling.

I did some reading on here and saw that many people using UV filters said that their water was much clearer than before - and i also wanted more varied movement in the tankn to keep more waste in suspension. If i was doing the tank again, i'd set up some UG jets... but i'm not stripping the whole thing down 'just' for that. I wanted more water movement, but also to rationalise the number of filters on the tank, too.

I noticed that the new Eheim Pro 3e range had two things i wanted:

1: class-leading pump output
2: a 'wave' function

So... this week when i saw a brand new tetratec UV sterliser AND an ehem pro 3 e on Ebay... I decided to take the plunge. These two go well together because the UV a rated for a max flow of 1000lph and the ehem filter has a max flow of 1000lph once fully loaded with media - the flow without media is 1650lph.

This is what arrived:


A beast of a filter!

The Tetratec UV seems small, but is rated for tanks up to 400l and according to Tetra, the UV bulb was developed in conjunction with philips to output a high amount of UV light for it's size.

This is the UV in situ screwed to the wall behind the tank.


It became obvious quite quickly that the filter was so huge that space in the cupboard would be tight - so mounting the UV behind the filter was the only choice without longer hoses. I plan to redo this when i have more funds and mount the UV and the other cupboard with quick-release valves for maintenance.

The Eheim filter - amazingly - held all the bio-media i had in all THREE of the other canisters.

The media loadout of the filter is as follows:

1 water flows in at the top
2 through a coarse blue foam pre filter (mounted at the top of the filter so you can clean it without ripping the whole thing apart)
3 through a channel to the base of the filter
4 through a tray of coarse alfagrog (ceramic material)
5 through a tray of Biomax sintered glass
6 through a tray of perlag, lytag, and some old small ceramic rings (this tray is a mixture of old biomedia i've had for years)
7 through a fine filter pad before being pumped back to the tank


The filter as several electronic functions... when you start it up it purges itself of air... it was a little worrying because for a few minutes it kept stopping and starting and increasing / reducing the flow. It's sensitive, too... if you pinch a hose and the flow drops, the filter isntantly goes into a diagnostic mode and reduces/increases the flow several times.

The electronic controls are a little confusing - there are only 3 buttons, but 4 different circulation modes, electronic flow controls, maintenance checks... and more.

You change the different modes by holding down different combinations of buttons at different times - this wasn't helped by the intructions which could be clearer and have every language on each page rather than a section for each country.

I have my filter set for the 'wave' function now and my fish seem to like it. The tank isn't quite clear as i took the chance to redo the decor, but it IS clearing fast.

Heres a Video i took of the wave function in action - it's quite neat to see it.


Another function that might be of interest to some fishkeepers is a system where the filter increases the pump output to compensate for blocking on the filter media - so as it gets dirtier, the flow rate in your tank stays the same. Cool.

The filter is a little bit noisier than i expected - but it's only been on a couple of hours, so it may run in slightly... It's a low hum, but louder than the 3 filters it replaced. I'm sitting about 10 feet away writing this and i can hear it clearly. We'll see if it gets quieter with a little time to settle / get all the air out of the impellor well.

It's too early to see if the UV is having an impact on the sparkle of the water yet... but it was easy to install and felt very robust.

The final install - much neater!


a couple of minus points... the horrible GREEN fittings - eheim has been using the same ones for over ten years. i used the old fluval 305 out take pipe because i didn't want to see that ugly green thing in my tank!

Picture of the tank now... a little cloudy still:


you can see a couple of other videos of my tank, here: CLICK

Hope that was in some way useful
i just added another pro3e 2078 i love them great filters
mine are out side the cab and on carpet so they are a bit less noisy

i dont use all the electronics stuff just run it flat out
i do have a question one of you can probably answer for me, are these new pr3e's the same size as the 2080?
i do have a question one of you can probably answer for me, are these new pr3e's the same size as the 2080?

the 2076 is much smaller than the 2080

the 2078 have a faster turn over than the 2080

the 2078 is the biggest pro3e and it has 8 liters of medid the pro3 2080 has 13 liters of media so no none of the pro3e are as big as the 2080
Today my water is stunningly bright....

HOWEVER: I'm really not happy with the amount of noise the filter is making. The buz coming out of it is like an old air pump - a low hum... but you can hear it right across our apartment. It's driving me mad. I've never had an eheim filter make such a racket.

It's louder than the 3 filters it replaced all put together. If it continues like this, i'll be returning it / replacing it.
Today my water is stunningly bright....

HOWEVER: I'm really not happy with the amount of noise the filter is making. The buz coming out of it is like an old air pump - a low hum... but you can hear it right across our apartment. It's driving me mad. I've never had an eheim filter make such a racket.

It's louder than the 3 filters it replaced all put together. If it continues like this, i'll be returning it / replacing it.

it looks from the cabnet pics its to close to the sides take it out of the cab and run it on the floor i have 2 x 2078s running right next to each other and their is no noise at all

i even have 1 x 2078 running and pushing water throw 8ft of host to the other end of the tank with no noise

i watched your video and just out of intrest why have you got the filter running fast then slow i have mine on constant flow
Today my water is stunningly bright....

HOWEVER: I'm really not happy with the amount of noise the filter is making. The buz coming out of it is like an old air pump - a low hum... but you can hear it right across our apartment. It's driving me mad. I've never had an eheim filter make such a racket.

It's louder than the 3 filters it replaced all put together. If it continues like this, i'll be returning it / replacing it.

it looks from the cabnet pics its to close to the sides take it out of the cab and run it on the floor i have 2 x 2078s running right next to each other and their is no noise at all

i even have 1 x 2078 running and pushing water throw 8ft of host to the other end of the tank with no noise

i watched your video and just out of intrest why have you got the filter running fast then slow i have mine on constant flow

My other filters were inside the cabinet with no noise... and there's no way i'm having a filter in the middle of my living room floor... it's no better outside anyway - in fact, with the door shut it's slightly quieter.
I have tried the manual mode... it's no better... the only time it's quiet is when you reduce the flow down to the lowest setting. I have also tried the 'reset to factory settings' function from the manual and have checked and clean the impellor and impellor chamber.

I'm giving it two days to settle and if it doesn't i'll get a 2028 instead... which holds slightly more media anyway.
Today my water is stunningly bright....

HOWEVER: I'm really not happy with the amount of noise the filter is making. The buz coming out of it is like an old air pump - a low hum... but you can hear it right across our apartment. It's driving me mad. I've never had an eheim filter make such a racket.

It's louder than the 3 filters it replaced all put together. If it continues like this, i'll be returning it / replacing it.

it looks from the cabnet pics its to close to the sides take it out of the cab and run it on the floor i have 2 x 2078s running right next to each other and their is no noise at all

i even have 1 x 2078 running and pushing water throw 8ft of host to the other end of the tank with no noise

i watched your video and just out of intrest why have you got the filter running fast then slow i have mine on constant flow

My other filters were inside the cabinet with no noise... and there's no way i'm having a filter in the middle of my living room floor... it's no better outside anyway - in fact, with the door shut it's slightly quieter.
I have tried the manual mode... it's no better... the only time it's quiet is when you reduce the flow down to the lowest setting. I have also tried the 'reset to factory settings' function from the manual and have checked and clean the impellor and impellor chamber.

I'm giving it two days to settle and if it doesn't i'll get a 2028 instead... which holds slightly more media anyway.

well i have the 2078 x 2 both of them are silent

does that filter have a seprate tranforme

the 2078 has a transformor thats seperate if you have that to close to the filter that can make a noise
Can you tell me if it has quieten down yet only I was also thinking of getting one of these but I need a 100% quiet filter!
It may be a little late to post a suggestion, but...

What if you were to put some pieces of Styrofoam (or something else soft) to each side of the filter. That way it's propped into place and the soft material would soak up the sound. Kind of like a filter sitting on the floor, the carpet absorbs some of the sound.

Another thing to consider if you want crystal clear water is using Purigen. Ever since I Started using it I've had fantastic results. It did mean I had to switch water conditioner, but that proved to be more economical anyway :)

My water is clearer taken out of the tank than what I put in!

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