Eheim And Aquaone


New Member
Nov 4, 2008
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Im thinking of buying a Eheim Classic 2213 to go along side with my AquaOne Cf700
My AquaOne can handle up to 180 litres
And the Eheim Classic 2213 can handle up to 250 Litres.
My Tank is 250 litres, Im wondering if this would be overkill? Or if i could save some money and buy a cheaper canister filter or a hob filter.
Please help me, Im only new!

Im hoping to keep one single Oscar fish, I heard they are quite messy.
I'm not an Oscar expert, but I don't think 250l will be large enough for an adult :sad: I'd just query tank sizes in the "New World Cichlids" section, for a more expert opinion from people that keep them :nod:

It is impossible to overfilter a tank, but you can puch too much flow. If the Oscar is being blasted arround, re-adjust the outlets to accomodate for it :good:

Though the filter claim to do 250l and 180l respectively, they'll only relay do 250l between them for a light stocking... With an oscar, I'd go with the next modle up Classic, or get a second to replace the CF700 :good: Filter manufaccturers are all rather "optimistic" about what their filters will do ;)

All the best
Its wierd, everyone on this forum says no.
But on Oscarfishlover and all the other oscar dedicated forum they say 250l is minimum for one.
Like it is doable.

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