Eggbound Problems


Hypan addict
Aug 21, 2004
Reaction score
Wolverhampton, UK
Noticed my CT girl getting bigger and bigger lately, even for a CT. Then 2 days ago noticed a big clump of around 5 eggs protruding out of her. I isolated her from the others in the divided to her own little tank. Yesterday noticed the cluster has gone fuzzy and now it appears like things growing down out of the bulge :sick: I have put salt in the water but am now wondering if I need something stronger if its worms or something. this was the best pic I could get of her as she hides at the back of the tank.


Don't worry about her fins, they were damaged when she was spawned 2 months ago and have grown back clear.

There were 4 others in with her in the divided tank which is 96 litres and has heater at 79 and ammonia 0 and nitrite 0 ph is 8 as has always been. No other signs of problems except 2 of my other females are large but then its normal for ct girls to have more eggs I have found.

any ideas greatly appreciated and possible meds to use :D
If it's fuzzy, I would guess that's a fungus. I'm not an expert at all but could you possibly remove/brush off these moldy eggs from her body?
Sorry to say it, that looks like a hernia to me....I hope its not. There's no fix for a hernia, unfortunately.
Thanks for the response. I've just found her dead :-( She was a juvie I bred myself so am very sorry to lose her.

Yes nino, it was fuzzy and I had just started treatment today with maracyn 1 and 2 to try and combat it.

I think you were absolutely correct fawnmodel, it appears to have been a hernia. I thought last night that it looked like there was skin around the eggs on one side. It appears to have dropped off sometime in the last couple of hours as its now on the bottom of her tank. She is just lying on her side at the top of the tank now in full colour and looking normal bless her. I hope she didn't suffer in her last moments :(
I'm sorry to hear that Joby but it looks like she was in misery, so, poor girl. I couldn't believe how horrible she looked when I scrolled down, I've never seen anything like it :(

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