Eel info?


Spinning around
Oct 25, 2003
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Just another question. I have been doing alot of research and I have discovered that nearly all the sources give varing info on size etc. The seemingly most reliable info I obtained states this-

Zebra Spiny Eel, Short-Finned Spiny Eel - 6" in captivity.
Siamese Spiny Eel - 6" in captivity.
Zig Zag Eel - 6" in captivity.
Spiny Eel - 8" in captivity.

Are these correct? I have not been able to find much info on the Peacock Eel and it often refers me to Mastacembelus circumcinctus or Zig Zag Eel, if this just another name. I am also worried about purchasing a mislabled fish that infact is something else as alot of this species look similar, which fish would you advise me to get.

There are quite a few species of spiny eel which all look quite similar (well,there are a few exceptions) so most shops don't have exactly what the think they have. My local shop had a tank labelled 'tyre track eels', I looked in the tank and i could see at least 3 different species, there were peacock eels, striped peacock eels and a few i had't seen before. So most shops label them if they know what they are ie. Fire eels, tyre track eels, but most shops label the tank spiny eels.

If i were you i would look for a striped peacock eel (that is what i have) they are the coolest. To find out more about spiny eels go onfishbase and type in Mastacembelus in the genus space.
Thanks for the info.

Wuv-I have managed to reserve two peacock Eels of some description, the lfs ensure me that they are one of the three smaller varities and will comfirm names with me upon arrival. They have very kindly let me use a 10g tank that is normally empty in the shop to keep them in until Easter when the new tank will be set up :). I paid a 10 pound feeding cost and have put them on a diet of live/frozen bloodworm and brine shrimp.

Then when I am satisfied the tank is right for them I will bring them home and they will live with a 7 inch Gibbiceps and a Kissing Gourami in a 30g long, there will be plenty of bogwood and caves for little hidy holes for them.

Any other experiences ethier of you have had with your Eels? I have heard they become quite tame. :)
Right on Ryan!! Sounds like you've taken care of everything :thumbs:

From my experience...I was nervous when I added mine to the tank, I had no idea about his character. I thought "Oh boy, I hope he's nice because the way he buries..I'll never get him out of there! :crazy: " and he turned out to be the sweetest little guy. It took him awhile to warm up, he wouldn't eat at first, the shop I bought him from told me he'd never eaten :dunno:

I tried live brine and he went crazy for it, I wound up purchasing live brine weekly for him for months and months (cha-ching!) I finally, just this past month, have managed to get him to eat frozen brine, he still wont touch bloodworms or anything else that goes in the tank. I was just relieved to see him eat the frozen food! The only other food he eats (and loves) is ghost shrimp, those keep him busy. But they scare me because he gets so engrossed in chasing them that he doesn't realize he's near the top of the tank and he could pop out, you must keep it tightly covered.

He's absolutely one of my favorite little creatures :wub: . He races to the top of the tank everytime I walk by and he's super friendly, climbs into my hand and such. Very interesting and always interested :rolleyes:

Can't wait to see pics of yours!!! Keep us posted! :hey:
Thanks Wuv, they sound like great characters, I can't wait to have the pleasure of owning one and I will deffintly be showing him of in the Members pic forum. :D I'm just hoping I can get mine to eat frozen foods quick because my only lfs with live foods is nearly 15 miles away :/ .

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