Eating Fish/fishing

We eat a lot of fish around here since it's so good for you. It does seem a little odd eating fish while worrying about and taking care of aquariums full of fish but I'm not eating my pets so I tell myself it's all good. I can't stand the "sport" of fishing, it's boring to me, and I don't want to be the one that harms the fish.
I eat shrimps and lobsters. Muscles from time to time.

Over the past few years I have gone off fish. Not sure why, just have.
sushi is my meal of choice.

that said, i wouldn't eat a fish out of my tank. But that has a lot to do with the fact that every medication you can buy says "not for use on fish intended for human consumption", and the fact that I'm not keen on the dirty work (ie: cleaning/gutting).
I do like eating fish and enjoy fishing but I would never keep something I wouldn't eat or to put it on a wall. I prefer a humane catch and release or keeping a few to take home to eat.

Just wondering, why are you questioning the hobby now, what happend?
just getting tired of taking care of the tanks :lol:

no seriously, it's just the irony of taking care of some fish, and actively pursuing the hunting of others.
I don't really have a moral problem with fishing, but am much more aware of my actions while fishing though, and mainly do catch and release. (unless it's something mighty tasty looking) Most of the places i fish at around here are stocked lakes ran by the county forest preserves.

as for eating something out of your own tank, that's just stupid. Not only because of medications and such, but they advise against eating fish from smaller lakes and ponds, but anything that was raised in 78degree water would most likely taste nasty.
I don't eat fish (or meat) and would never go fishing, but I have been vegetarian for a lot longer than I have been interested in fish as pets, so the two aren't necessarily connected in any way.

Occasionally if my other half is eating fish I tell him he is "eating my friends" but he knows it's just in jest.
ooh lots of veggies here thats nice to see :) , although I guess it goes together caring for fish and caring for animals in general.
I eat fish, and so do my fish.

True dat.

I think of it this way, every eats something. I think the Lion King said is best about the circle of life. You are part of it, whether you want to be or not, and...I'm quite sure that a worm won't hesitate once I'm dead. In fact...I hope it won't hesitate. After all, you're not eating the animals soul, just the flesh. That flesh is intended to keep you alive.

That stated, I won't eat a fish from my tanks. But, that's because my fish are my pets. At the point they become my pet, they cease to be on my food chain, IMO. But, then again...maybe that's why I don't keep channel catfish either.

Yummy catfish!!!
Heh, this question comes up about once a week it seems.

I love going fishing and I love eating fish. I don't see either specially the eating part as a problem for the most part.
However.. the whole sharkfin thing bothers me fishing wise. I think most of us have probably seen those videos of the fishermen catching sharks and cutting the fins off and then dumping the bodies back into the water. Not sure if the bodies remain dumped or if they have other boats that come along and scoop them up later, but if the bodies remain dumped, I think that's a total waste and should be stopped.
That would be like someone killing a cow only for it's rump, or only for the ribs, or tongue and then dumping the rest of it. Just a total waste when you could get so much more out of it ya know.
ugh i cant stand the hooked to the mouth part and being pulled around. i'm against fishing using rods and hooks and all.

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