Easiest Plants to grow

It looks like you have a Heteranthera and a Limnophila. But they may have been there already.
It looks like you have a Heteranthera and a Limnophila. But they may have been there already.

It looks like you have a Heteranthera and a Limnophila. But they may have been there already.
I think the Heteranthera was there looking back at the posts
Maybe it's a Limnophila that's a new one. Which is the one that grows tall green pompoms on it? I like that one
I think the Heteranthera was there looking back at the posts
Maybe it's a Limnophila that's a new one. Which is the one that grows tall green pompoms on it? I like that one
That sounds like a Limnophila.
Bottom right corner in this pic, is Limnophila sessiliflora;

The other plant in the background is Hygrophila Siamensis.
If you have a good, deep substrate, I've always found cryptocoryne wendtii to be really easy to grow and bombproof and long-lived once established.

For floaters, I've had the best overall luck with amazon frogbit. Dwarf water lettuce and Asian water fern have done well for me in the past.

Vallisneria is often on lists of easy plants, but I've never been able to get the stuff to grow worth anything.
I could’ve written this myself.
Plants are great but snails love them. I have lots of little ramshorn snails which I was sucking up of the gravel. Now that I've put more plants there is less room to vacuum up the snails so there will be another explosion of snails. I also found a couple of snails with the conical shell. Is there any way of managing the snails?
Plants are great but snails love them. I have lots of little ramshorn snails which I was sucking up of the gravel. Now that I've put more plants there is less room to vacuum up the snails so there will be another explosion of snails. I also found a couple of snails with the conical shell. Is there any way of managing the snails?
some would suggest including me getting them out smooshing them and feeding them to your fish :devil:

@Bruce Leyland-Jones im getting dejavu

ive still got some snails left but my algae/snail/fish eating monsters have now gone

a few snails isnt a problem though only when theres too many
Plants are great but snails love them. I have lots of little ramshorn snails which I was sucking up of the gravel. Now that I've put more plants there is less room to vacuum up the snails so there will be another explosion of snails. I also found a couple of snails with the conical shell. Is there any way of managing the snails?
Snails. generally, will actually ignore live plants, with only the likes of Apple and Rabbit snails making a beeline for your favourite aquatic green plants.

That said, snails will go for damaged leaves, so it helps to keep the 'garden' trim.
Two plants that are extremely easy to grow as PSO and vals (jungle, italia - the sprial stuff is marginally more difficult). I mention these not in objection to other plants mentioned but because i didn't recall seeing either. I would mention hornworth (I think it has been mentioned) but some people complain it drops needles and basically decay - in my aquarium it grows like a weed (77, gh 7 kh 3 ph 7.1).Also several of the apongeton will grow easy enough without any real aid - these are out dated pictures but both of these are low tech and been up for about 32 months. The black one did have a set back when I used furan 2 which killed most of the leaves but several of the plants suddenly resprouted after about 4 months on their own; i consider all the plants in these two aquariums pretty easy to grow in case you see something you like that hasn't been named. I do use root tabs every 3 to 6 months - whenever i remember - and fertilizer once a month at 1/2 recommended dosage (which is really closer to 1/24 total recommended dosage for the period). I kind of paranoid about poisoning my fishes; obviously i do not expect you to like how they are scaped so just focus on the actual plants:

When you go to the LFS, what plants should you buy, what are the easiest to grow. No fertilizers, No special care. these plants will grow like weeds anywhere

Ludwigia natans ( repens )
Cardamine Lyrata
Ceratopteris cornuta
Myriophyllums all of them
Limnophila aquatica
Hygrophila polysperma

This is just a start, these are the fast growing easy plants that you should be putting in your tank first. Then try Java fern, Anubias and Crypts.
But please get the first list growing first.
If you have any other suggestions please add it to the list. This is about the first plants you put in your tank.
Great list thanks for posting! 🐟
I’ve had some joy in a lower temp tropical tank with no co2 no ferts with the following (I do have a decent substrate layer with aqua soil and root tabs mind you):

cryptocoryne wendtii green
Hygrophila Siamensis 53B
Vallisneria spiralis

Also really enjoyed having salvinia as my floating plant but man does it grow out of control!! 🤣

Have heard that you can grow Marsilea hirsuta as a carpeting plant in a no CO2 low tech planted tank so if anyone can confirm that please let y’a gal know as would love a bit of carpeting plant!! 😁
Another recommendation for that Salvinia auriculata, a rampant livebearer of floating plants.
Just had to do more 'gardening' today and, I'm sad to say it, but my compost heap gets a load of this now.
Other plants going absolutely nuts are my Limnophila sessiliflora and Myriophyllum sp.. These got a good trim, with the cuttings planted near the 'mother' plants.
This has been a really interesting thread. I know a lot of plants, but I tend to get in a rut and try the same ones over and over. Thanks for everybody's suggestions, which have encouraged me to learn about some new ones and probably try some of them in the future.

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