Easiest Plants to grow

Are you sure it won’t stay there permanent Bruce? I’ve had it months now and if anything it’s grown taller than when I bought it

Some of the leaves stick out the water towards the lid now they weren’t that big when I bought it
There are easy and fast plants and there are easy and slow growing plants. Fast and easy fits Cryptocoryne balansae,Val italian and jungle. Hygrophila..from the small leafed to the big plants. Pearl weed very easy and fast. Bacopa can be easy and fast. The Bacopa caroliniana. The other type sold? Slow,to very slow and not as nice looking. B. monnieri..at least for me. Water wisteria..maybe too fast sometimes.
Easy and slow? Java Fern and varieties,C. wendtii and anything Crypt that looks like a Crypt really. Sword plants. Anubias. Don't buy big ones since chances are,they will stop growing the big emersed foliage that you paid for and it will grow the much smaller aquarium leaves. But they are very hardy and easy.
I have and I’m not entirely sure it’s the one you’ve mentioned

it’s going well right now and that’s great but...

I know your most likely right

I’d like to think your not though because I love that plant haha I don’t want it to die🙁
There's a plain green one and there's one with pale edges to its leaves.
I have and I’m not entirely sure it’s the one you’ve mentioned

it’s going well right now and that’s great but...

I know your most likely right

I’d like to think your not though because I love that plant haha I don’t want it to die🙁
You may or may not be able to convince it that it's not in a fishtank but is, instead, sat in a bog! ;)
If you have a good, deep substrate, I've always found cryptocoryne wendtii to be really easy to grow and bombproof and long-lived once established.

For floaters, I've had the best overall luck with amazon frogbit. Dwarf water lettuce and Asian water fern have done well for me in the past.

Vallisneria is often on lists of easy plants, but I've never been able to get the stuff to grow worth anything.
Thanks I will ask the fish shop if they have them. Very helpful. I like plants
Just remember not everything you read on the internet is true.
A plant I'd recommend for any beginner, or just somebody wanting something attractive, fast growing and amazingly hardy would be hydrocotyle leucocephala. Also known as Brazilian pennywort.

I've kept it for years and never managed to kill it off. I've had it in my soft water tanks, given it to friends with hard water tanks and never had issues. It's thrived in tanks where virtually everything else has melted.
When you go to the LFS, what plants should you buy, what are the easiest to grow. No fertilizers, No special care. these plants will grow like weeds anywhere

Ludwigia natans ( repens )
Cardamine Lyrata
Ceratopteris cornuta
Myriophyllums all of them
Limnophila aquatica
Hygrophila polysperma

This is just a start, these are the fast growing easy plants that you should be putting in your tank first. Then try Java fern, Anubias and Crypts.
But please get the first list growing first.
If you have any other suggestions please add it to the list. This is about the first plants you put in your tank.
I went to the lfs and showed the guy your list for first plants He sold me 2 different plants that I have put into the tank but without the cable ties they are sitting under a rock. Looks a bit more full now


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Did he tell you what he'd sold you?
Not exactly. I took the list. Hygrophila polyspema was one he said he had. And he brought out that one plus a variation of it he said which he said was a popular one. He didn't tell me though as I bought them

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