Early Colors In Guppy Fry?

Flame Heart

Fish Fanatic
Aug 29, 2011
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Long time no see, some of you may not even know me. :/ I recently got back into the forums and I'm wondering about a lone guppy fry that can only be about a day or 2 old. He/she is growing up with the other adults in the 10 gallon and I have noticed that it already has smudges of colors on it's tail, and I was wondering what this means. Does this mean that it will be a male? Or just a early-coloring female? Or, does it have to do with it has no other siblings and its growing up in the tank with all the other adults? There is a list of the current fish in it in my sig. =)
Anyone? I'm fairly interested in what the reason could be for having colors so early. The little fry is smart and is hiding in the plant that gives him the most cover, swimming in and back out.
To determin the gender you have to wait a while for it to develop its fins. males have a stick like anal fin and females have a triangular shaped one :good: im currently raising 5 guppy fry which are 1 month old and 1 other one in my main tank under my moss ball hiding from the adult fish
As Zain said, you cant tell the gender yet. Ots probably just some early color. :good:
Yep like the fry i have that has a black colour on their tail i think they would be male as i have a snakeskin guppy which has black and yellow on their tail. A few days ago i saw one of them showing off to another which was funny :lol: and it may mean its a male
Some types of guppy do show colour early. Moscow's males start to develop colour from 2 weeks of age.
I can sex fry from about 4 week's with out a gonopodium, but 2 days is to early.
Thanks everyone, I guess I will just wait and see. The fry is still alive, and one of my females looks like she is about to burst so maybe there will be a few surviving from that batch. I will update this again when I do a water change in a few days.
Also, how long should I let the fry build up it's "immunities" 'before I change the water in my tank? Because I plan to do so in about 2 days.
I have one fry in the main tank under my moss ball all the time and when i did a water change i didnt touch the moss ball :good:
i do a water change every weekend, even if the fry are only a day or two, just do 10-15% not 20-30%
We (soon to be only me) usually only do like a 10-15 % water change anyways every weekend, (I will be taking care of the water changes and fish all by myself so maybe my mom will decide I can do what *I* want to the tank) so he should be okay anyways. But I will be using a gravel pump, so I should probably capture the little fry so it will not be sucked up, right? I will use a turkey baster to capture him if needed, if he fits! :unsure:
You only need to do the gravel if your tank is very dirty, I've got tanks that have never had the sand/gravel cleaned. I just syphone out the water to a bucket, clean the filter in it, water the garden with the wast water and fill it back up.
Here are the latest pictures of the guppy fry! I cleaned the tank all by myself, (with a few mistakes :blush: ) and my parents are glad and surprised. Apparently they don't think I can do anything by myself.. fun. Anyways, here are the pics and if I'm not mistaken the little fry is going to be a male, as he is getting orange on his whole body, not just his tail fin. :hyper:


Top view of the fry.


My fry generally show color quite early. I have been working with my line a long time and can generally make guesses at gender at about 1 week old. Nice looking fry.
At only a day or two, give it some time. There is no way to reliably sex your fish for at least 2 weeks and I would guess it will be much longer.

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