Dying Betta

I'm a bit late to the conversation. You stated in another post that you don't have another tank to put your Betta in. I thought that was fish tank 101, to have a isolation tank.? I have 1 male Beta in a 5 gal tank and I have a 2.5 gal for if a reason arises that I need to remove him from his main home. For just occasions like this. Your Betta buddy might just need a little alone time. Fish have personalities too. Anyway, I hope your Betta is doing better.
I didn't at that time, I do now. I had a bunch of baby fish in that tank and I moved them to my main tank. Actually, I have a ten gallon that was my quarantine tank before I moved nut I haven't been able to fin an inexpensive 10 gal tank stand to put it on. Generally, it is (in my opinion) extremely important to have a QT tank. Sadly, the betta didn't make it, but thank you for your advice.:)

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