Dyed Fish Retailers

Should aquatic shops that sell dyed fish be named and shamed?

  • Yes! Shame them!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No! It's not fair to the retailer!

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Fish Fanatic
Sep 24, 2006
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Should aquatic shops that sell dyed fish be named and shamed? A subject that has probably been touched upon a thousand times, but I thought I'd do a poll anyway! If possible, give a reason for your answer.

Please don't name any retailers in this topic! It's not "finger pointing", just a discussion / debate. Also, let's not argue. :)
People sell painted fish because they are colorful. Fish stores need money to run. When someone sees a red/yellow/green/purple colored fish they like it. Just because they want to broaden their spectrum of fish shouldn't be appted to be harassed by people who run around with picket signs saying the owner of the fish store owner is the devil...

If you don't like looking at painted fish then don't go to that store! But they shouldn't be up for scrutiny.
You've got to be careful what you say- there could arise the potential for them to sue for libel.

I can see this topic being closed in the near future! :X

I'm actually with the feeling that shops shouldn't be named, as dyed / modified fish can be imported by accident and it would simply be inhumane to kill off these fish. Better to give them a good home and care for them than kill them for something beyond their control and wishes.

None of the above. You should add "Blame the buyer/consumer" as an option... then I'd vote for that.

As long as it's legal and in demand, there is nothing wrong with a retailer trying to make a living and competing in a fair market place.
i don't think it could be harch on the reatailer dying fish is cruel and should be stoped or at least prevented

plz no one ever bye a dyed or painted fish
It would be unfair to name any chain store because one individual store of a chain/franchise should not reflect on all of them. As for "mom and pop" stores, those might be remedied after concerns and discussions are brought up.
most retailers know its cruel there for they should be shammed.....i dont care if it is legal....if people stopped selling them the fish wouldnt go through the torcher they go through when they are dyed...so yes shame the hell out of em
i take the attitude hit them where it hurts most, they're wallet. do not give your custom to retailers that sell dyed fish, don't care if it's the only store within 30 miles or whatever, just don't shop there.
i take the attitude hit them where it hurts most, they're wallet. do not give your custom to retailers that sell dyed fish, don't care if it's the only store within 30 miles or whatever, just don't shop there.

Totally agree. I recently visitied a LFS about 40 miles from where I live as I had heard good things about it. I was going to get some dry goods and also check out his tanks for potential future purchases. As soon as I saw dyed fish (a few different kinds I might add) I left but not before telling him that I wouldn't buy from him as long as he sold them. He just shrugged his shoulders. Despite it being a cracking shop, it was empty, maybe now I know why!

If you see a shop selling dyed fish, don't buy anything. If everyone did it, they would soon realise that it's hurting their profits as well as the fish. Only then will they learn.
I agree, just don't buy from that store. Tell the manager why, though, if not in person then by letter.
I wouldnt name them as they have a right to earn a living and until the dyed fish trade is actually illegal then they have every right to sell these fish.
I dont agree with them and would never buy one or shop in a shop that had a large percentage of them - but a lot of shops may have them through ignorance or through "trade-ins" etc..
If you name and shame every lfs with a dyed fish in it then why shouldnt we be naming and shaming those that sell Flowerhorns - a Hybrid that isnt really found in the wild , and any other Hybrid.

just my two penneth worth
I think the biggest part about naming them is that they dont' always know what they're getting when the order from a supplier.

I've seen alot of shop owners on various boards post pictures with the captions "look what I was surprised to find in a shipment of X." Also, they don't get sold as "dyed parrotfish," they're named "blue parrotfish" (or similar) which is pretty non-descriptive. They need to sell what they get from the supplier. So I don't think that you can necessarily name them and shame them if they do occasionally have dyed fish for sale. There is a chance it was done in ignorance.

If you see a shop that often sells sick fish that are kept in poor conditions, this is a much more serious offense.

If you see a shop that often sells fish that are knowing mislabeled or misrepresented, this is a much more serious offense.

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