dwarf puffers...


New Member
Feb 21, 2004
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i went 2 the lfs yesterday just to have a look around and i came across a dwarf puffer. this was the 1st time i had seen 1 in real life.. they are awesome. i asked the guy there how much was it and he said that it was $200 AUD... isnt that a bit expensive ? he said that they usually dont sell them individually, but in colonies.. that is 1 male and 2 females and they were not fully grown yet.. the colony costs $400 AUD.. is this expensive or reasonably priced ?

the guy said they were very rare.. i really like them but their just too expensive for me im only 15 and i just got a part time job so i could afford 1. but its alot of money for me and if it dies i will be very upset...

i wish i lived in florida...
The high price might have something to do with the fact they're illegal here
why are they illegal ??? thats very strange..
how much would shipping be 4 a dp ??
Weird. Why are they illegal there? In Illinois, I bought mine for $2.50 each. Looks like some money can be made in the Black market DP trade... :shifty: :whistle: :lol:
Going prize in Holland is around €5,-- Which would be around $6.50 US
I'd really love to get some dwarf puffers but the problem for me is not the price but the fact that i've never seen any in Cyprus and i don't think they import any :(
Australia has a serious problem with introduced species out-competing very specialist native species.

Introduced species usually do very very well because Australia is a very fertile and safe enviroment with a huge range of habitats.

Because of this, it is illegal to import a very large range of animal & plant species that would be able to thrive if they were accidentely introduced into the wild.

Examples of alien species currently thriving in Australia that are replacing native species are: American Bulfrogs, Common housecats, european foxes, red-tailed catfish, mosquitofish and wild pigs.

It's because of these restrictions that many species are hugly expensive or simply outright illegal.

Australia however, does have a massive variety of native species of wonderful fish, including rainbowfish, gobies and puffers (all be it brackish & marine puffers)
Wow, I saw some at my LFS for like 2 dollars. If they are illegal, and you REALLY want some, should I suggest taking a little journey to a place where they arent illegal, and kinda smuggle them back? :p Unreasonable, I know.
why are they illegal ??? thats very strange..
how much would shipping be 4 a dp ??

Probably a large fine or a long holiday in prison :lol:

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