Dwarf Puffers, What All Potential Owners Should Know

I currently have a single male puffer in a tank with a Bala shark and a ruby shark with 5 cherry shrimp.

The ruby shark hides in the coconut or thr tree root when there is any light and the bala shark is the puffers B***h as he follows him around everywhere. They seem to get on great and are always in the same area of the tank and there is no aggression between them at all!

This is an odd companionship right?
Green bottles are considered piscovores, so I wouldn't mix them with any other fish, but Ive had some success with lorteti/irrubesco mixes. Won't always work though...
I am considering setting up a small dwarf puffer tank. I really want something like 5-6 gallons. Is that enough for one male dwarf puffer and three ottos? As three is the recommended limit for ottos? Or would an 8 gallon be the minimum? Is there no scavenger that would be safe?
would i be able to put some DPs in my 95-100L tropical tank with corys, hatchets, clown loaches BN plecos and bala shark. There is lots of plants and nooks and crannies for them to shy away in
All I will say is that they will do better in a species only tank with maybe one of type of fish! I keep mine with Khulie loaches.

Lisa x
I saw DP for the first time today and cometely fell in love with them! I have a 160l tank and wondering how many I could have in there? Possibly with some khuli loaches and ottos?
Peaceful AND sedentary are necessary characteristics to look for in Dwarf puffer tank mates.
I have a tank with khuli loaches and corydoras with mine. While they are peaceful they still disturb my dwarf puffer with their constant nocturnal antics. I recommend otoclinus, albino bristle nose plecos,pregnant guppies and mud snails as tank mates. Also they are way happier with a sand substrate, if you do have gravel, driftwood, flat rocks and floating plants provide decent rest spots.
SeanTrollope said:
are DPs and pigmy puffers the same thing
 i cant wait forever
thanks. I ordered my first dps and i was confused because the lfs called them pigmies
In a large enough tank dwarf puffer males really only claim territories at the bottom of the tank. The top of the tank is a neutral zone and all puffers swim together peacefully there -but if a male descends into the wrong property he can be pushed out by the occupant. Daily males will swim around the tank and do this courtship dance with the lady puffers they encounter as they do their rounds After seeing how these fish interact in a big tank I really feel that smaller tanks are death traps for these guys. The constant water changes it takes to keep the water clean in a 10 gal or less really stresses them out. There's a big difference between thriving and surviving.

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