Dwarf Puffers, What All Potential Owners Should Know

i have a plated 60 gallon comunity tank including a electric yellow cichlid a krib cichlid, a bolivan ram, anglefish, an elephant nose, 5 neons, a few gorami's, a few corrys have penty of drift wood caves and i take realy good care of my water, theres no agresion in my tank, all the fish are healthy and active. I feed my fish flake food in the morning, noon, andblood worms at night.
Heres a good site about DP's, complete with their own forums. I haven't read through all of the posts so sorry if someone has already posted this.

EDIT: Lol, forgot to put the link in...
EDIT 2: Not letting me put in the link, lol. buts its just dwarfpuffers .com/forum/ (no space)
I have kept a variety of pufferfish in the past and am in the act of setting up a 6 Gallon biotope for some dwarf puffers. Have you any advice on how i could obtain tiny snails for them to wear down thier teeth and would you recommend breeding my own snails in a seperate container. Thanks for all the info.
i have a plated 60 gallon comunity tank including a electric yellow cichlid a krib cichlid, a bolivan ram, anglefish, an elephant nose, 5 neons, a few gorami's, a few corrys have penty of drift wood caves and i take realy good care of my water, theres no agresion in my tank, all the fish are healthy and active. I feed my fish flake food in the morning, noon, andblood worms at night.

Wow, not sure if it's luck or you planting the tank so well. Especially the elephant nose. I heard they can bother most tank mates. Watch those neons when the angelfish gets bigger. Also, seems like some of these fish should be in different pH water parameters...
i wish i'd read this before i got mine yesterday. i woke up to find one dead this morning and got back from work to find the other hanging around the top not looking too happy :unsure:
i wish i'd read this before i got mine yesterday. i woke up to find one dead this morning and got back from work to find the other hanging around the top not looking too happy :unsure:

Sorry to hear about your DPs :sad: . So do you know what's gone wrong?

If you have the right set up for them, they are absolutely fun little fish to keep. Always hilarious to watch. I get very attached to my DPs. It's a shame that they are not compatible with other fish.
read up on your fish before you buy them

it doesnt matter fish you buy, you must KNOW exactly what they want before you buy them
What kind of substrate do DPs prefer, gravel, sand???


My Amazon Puffer is perfect!

:huh: ...that's not a dwarf puffer. Not dissing the SAP (I loved mine), but those are totally not dwarf puffers and have completely different needs.
I didn't actually read what was said about 'dwarf puffers', I was just stating that my SAP's are great.
I eventually want pygmy puffers in a tank of their own.

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