Dwarf Puffer Qs

There is no such thing as a snail too large for a DP :lol: They will attack any snail irrespective of it's size. The down side of putting big snails in is that they are likely to die a slow death. The DPs will take take chunks out of them until the snails decide to hide and starve inside the shell.... then death :( DPs don't eat dead snails either. You don't want the dead snails to cause any ammonia spike in your tank.

Best size snails are the baby ones that are smaller than the DP's eyeballs. The DPs will crunch them whole. Slightly larger ones they will suck the whole body out easily. You can start a hatchery with your larger snails. Hopefully by the time you get your DPs, you will have loads of baby snails ready :D
I might take them out and breed them, that's a great idea :)

But I don't think they'll be too big to eat. I mean I don't think they'll be as big as a blue mystery snail or anything like that so hopefully they'll get gobbled up in a bite.

I will say this about these snails, they are freakin poop machines! I swear, if the gravel wasn't black already, it would be from these 4 tiny little snails!
BOOO! The local Petsmart doesn't have any Dwarf puffers!!! We went there earlier to get some fish meds, and I had to look at all the fish, and no dwarf puffers in sight! I think the tank that usually had them were filled with baby oscars. BOOOO.... nothing against osars or anything, but dangit! I hope this is just temporary and they get more whenever I'm ready for some!

Patience is a virtue they say but I hate it when you're geared up for something and you fall at the first hurdle :lol:

I breed pond snails for my F8 puffs and ramshorns for them and my DPs. I have them in my baby biorb with green neon tetras and they just get on with it themselves rather nicely :D

Patience is a virtue they say but I hate it when you're geared up for something and you fall at the first hurdle :lol:

I breed pond snails for my F8 puffs and ramshorns for them and my DPs. I have them in my baby biorb with green neon tetras and they just get on with it themselves rather nicely :D

I'm not entirely ready for the DPs yet, but wanted to see if they actually had some still, and nope :\
Like I said, hopefully it's just temporary. I'll have to ask next time we go if they don't have any again. If they don't ever plan on getting them, then I dunno... maybe see if the LFS will get any in for us.

As for the snails.... I have an extra 3 gallon I could use to breed them. Not sure if I want to set that up though. We'll see after we're done moving and I can actually get some DPs :)
No DPs yet, just thought I'd mention that the tank now has baby snails. Saw the first eggs (well visible to me)... a few days ago, and now have little specks of snails all over the place. I'm still planning on giving the tank a really good clean when we move though, so maybe some will live through it. If not, meh.... I'm sure I'll pick up more with more plant purchases heh.

GOSH I really hope Petsmart has DPs when I am ready to get them!

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