Dwarf Puffer preporation. Some Q's


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
I orderd 6 dwarf puffers, 2 males and 4 females. They will be here on tuesday. I can''t wait :D . They will all be living in a 20 u.s. gallon, however if they become to aggresive twards each I will move some into my spare 10 u.s. gallon.

Some questions:

1. Will ottos be ok to put in with the puffers?
(My wide mouths that were to go in with the DP's died :-( . I could only get my hands on some ottos)

2. I have already cycled my tank and the water is fine. I was wondering however do they need any special water conditions?

3. The only food I could get my hands on for them was frozen brine shrimp will that be ok?
I can only answer the last question, seeing as how I only had them for a little while. The brine shrimp should be fine for them. However, you should try to vary the diet because they will soon tire of the same food, and it is just politic to vary the food because they give different nutrients and whatnot, so the fish won't sufer from malnutrition.

You might want to get frozen bloodworms and whiteworms. Some other options are flightless fruitflies and perhaps dired foods, though the latter might not work well. :/ If you have other fish, then you can use the fdired foods to feed them.
samsung-401 said:
I orderd 6 dwarf puffers, 2 males and 4 females. They will be here on tuesday. I can''t wait :D . They will all be living in a 20 u.s. gallon, however if they become to aggresive twards each I will move some into my spare 10 u.s. gallon.

Some questions:

1. Will ottos be ok to put in with the puffers?
(My wide mouths that were to go in with the DP's died :-( . I could only get my hands on some ottos)

2. I have already cycled my tank and the water is fine. I was wondering however do they need any special water conditions?

3. The only food I could get my hands on for them was frozen brine shrimp will that be ok?
1) Ottos are very small and might be an irresistable bite for a dwarf puffer. Bristlenose would be fine though.

2) Your puffers will be very happy in a typical tropical setup, just make sure you keep the water very clean and tidy up the waste they produce.

3) They may eat the frozen brine shrimp, then again they may not. If you cannot get live foods can you at least get frozen bloodworm? Also, find out what the lfs has been feeding them and where they get their food from.
1. The ottos are great additions to your tank and with the ammount of puffers that you have they will be the last thing on your dwarf puffers mind. You can easily fo 5 I belive. As long as you have plenty of plants and hiding spaces in your tank I have had no problems what so ever.

2. Very Very good filtration in my ten gallon I have two filters going and they seem to enjoy a slight current. That and lots of plants and caves! I'd personally recomind at least two caves per puffer.

3. I'm sure you can find frozen blood worms that is mines staple diet try calling around. Also you can call pet store and see if you can get annoying snails the ones that come in with plants (most places will love you for taking them off their hands)

Take lots of picture when you get the little guys and gals I'm sure you'll love your little trogdors as much as I love mine
LadyMinion said:
samsung-401 said:
I orderd 6 dwarf puffers, 2 males and 4 females. They will be here on tuesday. I can''t wait :D . They will all be living in a 20 u.s. gallon, however if they become to aggresive twards each I will move some into my spare 10 u.s. gallon.

Some questions:

1. Will ottos be ok to put in with the puffers?
(My wide mouths that were to go in with the DP's died :-( . I could only get my hands on some ottos)

2. I have already cycled my tank and the water is fine. I was wondering however do they need any special water conditions?

3. The only food I could get my hands on for them was frozen brine shrimp will that be ok?
1) Ottos are very small and might be an irresistable bite for a dwarf puffer. Bristlenose would be fine though.

2) Your puffers will be very happy in a typical tropical setup, just make sure you keep the water very clean and tidy up the waste they produce.

3) They may eat the frozen brine shrimp, then again they may not. If you cannot get live foods can you at least get frozen bloodworm? Also, find out what the lfs has been feeding them and where they get their food from.
Ottos get bigger than Dps :p
dwarfs said:
Ottos get bigger than Dps :p
They can still take a chunk out of one if they so desire. Remember, where puffers are concerned size is irrelevant. If they want something, they'll eat it. ;)

It's a 50/50 risk, but I'd stick with a bristlenose to be safe.
LadyMinion said:
dwarfs said:
Ottos get bigger than Dps :p
They can still take a chunk out of one if they so desire. Remember, where puffers are concerned size is irrelevant. If they want something, they'll eat it. ;)

It's a 50/50 risk, but I'd stick with a bristlenose to be safe.
I thought you ment they would try to eat ottos whole :rofl: I know, puffers could take a chunk out of most fish if they so desired. I'm sure Martha could do plenty of damage to Stewart as well. :p That's pretty relative actually :unsure: DP-Otto
Fahaka-common plec :)
dwarfs said:
I thought you ment they would try to eat ottos whole :rofl: I know, puffers could take a chunk out of most fish if they so desired. I'm sure Martha could do plenty of damage to Stewart as well. :p That's pretty relative actually :unsure: DP-Otto
Fahaka-common plec :)
Actually, Martha did take a couple of chunks out of Stewart's fins during the first couple of days we had him. We've been monitoring the situation very closely and she seems to have decided to tolerate him now.

If we're late for breakfast, she'll sometimes eye up one of his fins as if to say "feed me or the plec gets it!", but usually he's the dominant one and steals half her prawn! :lol:

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