Dwarf Puffer preporation. Some Q's

Wisperian said:
Now now Ladyminion! ;) at least my dragon puffy isnt that evil..... hopefully :grr:
Nah, they're not evil, just opportunists. When we got Smaug, we removed the community fish to the bigger tank but didn't manage to catch a couple of tetras. The next morning we found one with his abdomen ripped out in the shape of a puffer beak and the other still alive but with his entire back half missing.

Smaug was sitting in his corner looking as if butter wouldn't melt..... :D

Currently the dragons share their tank with a dwarf snakehead. He is a lot bigger than them, but the first couple of days they were together we discovered some bite marks to his caudal fin. He stays away from them now.
dwarfs said:
Ottos get bigger than Dps :p
Sorry to hijack the thread

??? I've adopted my friends otos who are around 3 years old and are maybe an inch an a half at the most and by far these fish are not shunted.
How big are otos suppose to grow right now they're the same sizes as the DP and I don't think they plan on a growth spurt anytime soon
samsung-401 said:
I orderd 6 dwarf puffers, 2 males and 4 females. They will be here on tuesday. I can''t wait :D .
If I can ask, where did you order them through? I can't find any dwarf puffers around here. :( I've seen figure 8's and green spotted puffers -- both kept in freshwater!! (Grr.) but no TRUE dwarf puffers.
a1wonder said:
dwarfs said:
Ottos get bigger than Dps :p
Sorry to hijack the thread

??? I've adopted my friends otos who are around 3 years old and are maybe an inch an a half at the most and by far these fish are not shunted.
How big are otos suppose to grow right now they're the same sizes as the DP and I don't think they plan on a growth spurt anytime soon
I saw an otto at a pet store >>>>>>>>>>>> big :eek: The bigger that tank, the more they grow. Most people keep them in 10g and other small tanks, and while they don't get stunted, they don't get jumbo either. I could be wrong though :D

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