Dwarf Plecos ?


Fish Crazy
Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
western NC
ok i am making a cichlid tank with africans and want to put 2 dwarf pleco's in the tank as well. what are some of my options? ill have about 10 4" cichlids in a 40gallon, so whatever else i can get in there without being cramped, let me know ! thanks
if you do a search for the phrase dwarf plec, there are plenty of details previously posted ;)
go careful with gold nugets... some get to 12"

same with some bristle noses (do a search for 'brocoli' for a great example :))
thanks for the info, i did look around and found some smaller pleco's, but which will allow me to keep 2 in a 40gallon tank, i just heard about keeping too many together and didnt see anything about that anywhere, so i thought id get some personal experience here
It really depends on what ones - we have a 30gal and a 35gal both with 5 plecs in.

they are small at the moment with plenty of hiding places.

The 35 is a species tank with 5 L129's that get to 4" max (about 3" at the moment) these are quite teritorial but with the caves and hiding places we have they are fine in there.

the other tank has 2 L180's 3", one 134 - 4" and one 075 - 4.5" and a bristle nose at about 2" They are all ok with each other.

as long as they can have their own space they should be fine.
Not sure about water parameters with africans and catfish but possibly otos - they're better at cleaning than alot of pl*cs.

Candy striped pl*cs are nice and don't get any bigger than 4-5".

My candy and nugget stay close together but yes, definately better to have plenty of hidey holes!
I've got a Bristlenose (4") and a Gold Nugget (2") in my 50G and they completely ignore one another. As and when I have the room, I'm planning to get an L128 after seeing one in my LFS. Lovely fish, but at 18cm fully grown, they may be a bit big for your tank.

L128 info

That's a Gold Nugget in my avatar in case you don't know what they look like.
smithrc said:
go careful with gold nugets... some get to 12"

same with some bristle noses (do a search for 'brocoli' for a great example :))
I did a search for "brocoli" as you suggested and came up with "Were you searching for broccoli?" as in the vegetable. I tried on my home page search engine, Google, Planet Catfish and in this forum. Your reference in this post was the only one I could find. Could you please elaborate or tell me where to search since I have a bristlenose and was interested in finding out what you were talking about.

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