Dwarf Pangasius?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
Newcastle upon Tyne
I went to the LFS yesterday to get some new cories (who are adorable by the way :wub: ) and spotted something called a Dwarf Pangasius. It was beautiful, I fell in love with it instantly. But being a good girl I didn't buy it. After doing lots of research (and being frightened by the pinned topic on pangasiidae) I have found nothing about "Dwarf Pangasius". Is there such a thing or are the LFS being stupid? On planet catfish it looks most like a juvenile irridescent shark but not quite :/ I'm not going to buy it now anyway but am just curious about it. Any info anyone?

Edited for spelling purposes.
i think your LFS is trying to pull a fast one.

Maybe there customers found ou about the size pangassuis get to so they changed the name to dwarf making customers think it's another species.
Thanks for confirming my suspicions. It was a stunning fish, its a shame it will most likely live its life in unsuitable circumstances. :(
I agree...i think they are trying to pull a fast one!
a lot of LFS's do that. they sell like 2 inch Pangasius.

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