Dwarf Hamsters

Also, can anyone help me find a way to stop the noise coming from my exercise wheel? Since the hamsters are nocturnal they do tend to run a lot in the night and it sounds like construction workers. For now, I'm laying them on the floor and then putting them back up in the day.

Have you tried putting sunflower or vegetable oil on the axel of the wheel?
Yeah i think its a black russian dwarf? I do let them run around in this ball thing. They go around the house and then come back when I whistle. They get fed 3sunflower seeds a day with a bowl of this mix thingy. Water bottle is changed daily and bedding is changed weekly. Im still stocking on toys so they wont be able to get any more toys other than the ball and wheel thing for another week.

I used to have a male and a female hamster i they did that as well. Itook the male back to the store and the female is getting on fine. DON'T KEEP THEM TOGETHER!!!
Just wondering...if the hamster did give birth, is it ethical to cull the babies? I know preventing pregnancy is the best cure, but what happens then when it's already too late? Is culling an option for small rodents?
No. You find them homes like a responsible breeder would have.

What size cages do you have for them? Wire cages need to be about 1 foot by 1 foot. Aquariums at least a 20 gallon long. Bin cages the same size as the aqurium but you can get bigger for cheaper. Crittertrail/Habitrail/Other you need atleast two attached. Have fun with your little hammies and please check out the forum at www.Hamsterhideout.com
Bin cages? Made out of garbage cans? :blink:

Yeah I bought only one crittertrail. I too have the same concern about the black one. He seems to be extremely larger then any dwarf hamster i've ever had. Hes about the length of my hand minus a few inches. Plus he friggin bites me all the time! He keeps making my hands bleed. I'm thinking of returning him, I would think its best too since he'll probably have a better home in the LPS or some other persons home.
dont give up on the little black dwarf yet, give it time, my dwarfs used to bite a lot when i first got them, but now they are fine, regular handenling and giving them treats everytime you have them out will help, carful when picking him up so not to hurt him, and dont disturb him in his cage, a lot of new hamster owners get bitten because they wake them up when sleeping as the hamsters annoyed and bites.
Nope they are for reptiles. Most Breeders I know wouldn't do that.

Your black ham might be territorial of his cage meaning he is upset when you put your hand in his home. This just means that you should try and handle him only outside of his cage. :) Hamsters are not often tame once you bring them home you need to work on taming yuorself.

When you brought home that hamster eh became your responibility for better or for worse. if you is ill or hurt you need to take him to the vet, if you must you need tot ake months to tame him and you need to make time to handle them daily.
Yeah I love my white one. Shes extremely nice, when I put my hand in the cage she climbs on it and thats how I take her out. But yeah I guess I can 'tame' him for a little while and see where that goes.
SUCESS ^_^ :wub: :hooray: :clap:


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