Dwarf Frog


Fish Herder
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Queensbury, NY
I just adopted as i like to call it two little dwarf frogs from wal mart. i have alge waffers at home and sinking waffers. will i need any food thats made for frogs?
i need care advice for these little guys please help.
there already in a large tank with a heater. three guppies 8 cories and one molly
i feed mine on hrh frog an tadpole bites an bloo worm, sadly thay died i put it down to feeding to much blood worm.

i tried sinking pellets but one frog got abit stuck an it took awhile for the frog to dislodge it, i don't think sinking pellent get soft enough for the frogs(maybe soak them for awhile before feeding them).

to feed them so the fish didn't get all the food i used a cd case with the end cut out so only the frogs could get inside to feed, i also used a tukey baster an squirted the frogs with food.
I have an ADF and I usually feed him brine shrimp. You can buy these brine shrimp pellets at Petco and then you put it in some water and all the shrimp seperate (their dead already) and then use a turkey baster and shotot the food in front of its face. They love that! THey think they can catch their own prey but really your doing it for them! :lol:
I have an ADF and I usually feed him brine shrimp. You can buy these brine shrimp pellets at Petco and then you put it in some water and all the shrimp seperate (their dead already) and then use a turkey baster and shotot the food in front of its face. They love that! THey think they can catch their own prey but really your doing it for them! :lol:
lol, i just got them floating plants so they had something to rest on.
are the brine shrimp pellets of eggs?
Hikari also makes freeze dried tubifex worm cubes. That's what I've been feeding my ADFs for the last seven months, with the occasional bloodworms as treats.

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