
I honestly don’t understand why anyone wants duckweed unless you have goldfish that love to eat it.
Yes, my frogbit just didn’t take off well. The water lettuce does though.
I will look at water lettuce too, on Ebay the price is not too expensive so I guess I could try both, one in each tank and see which one works out best for my new tank. I really want something that looks nice(better than hornwort) but gives my fry a good hiding place like hornwort.
I have both( frogbit+duckweed) in my aquarium and the duckweed doesn't spread. I think it is because the frogbit take a lot of nutriments and there is not a lot left for the duckweed. So I think if you end up having both the duckweed would not be a problem. It doesn't spread in my tank but it might in your tank I am not sure.
My experience is the opposite. I had duckweed, emptied it all out and replaced with frogbit. Because its so small and light some of the leaves hide under water or attach themselves to substrate plants and it impossible to get every single one. My frogbit is thriving but every so often I remove it all, give it a thorough rinse and net out whatever duckweed I can see. I'm afraid these tanks will have duckweed as long as they exist. Its not a huge problem, but if I had to do it all over again I would never have introduced duckweed.
IME, it is a mess to keep. That’s why I like Salvinia. It has a happy medium leaf size and it’s super easy to keep.
Duckweed is a double edged sword. (I 'inherited' it when I bought some other plant at a club meeting auction). It is very prolific as it multiplies quite quickly and unchecked, it can create a thick mat across the water surface. So clearly it's removing nutrients (aka pollution) from the water. It is also a great food source for some fish and turtles. But it can excessively shade other plants and can be a real challenge to remove as even a single duckweed can repopulate the tank.
I constantly remove it so my water sprite gets the light. The harvested duckweed goes into the turtle pond and recently I've been drying some to powder and add to my white worm food mix (wheat flour, powdered chicken starter, corn meal, and powdered peas).
If I was you, I'd go with water sprite, frogbit, water wisteria, or another floating/stem plant and probably not duckweed.
I will avoid duckweed for my tanks but may use it for my turtles. Frogbit and maybe water lettuce or salvinia I will try. I will keep some hornwort around just in case since my fry seem to really like hanging out in it. :fish:
I will avoid duckweed for my tanks but may use it for my turtles. Frogbit and maybe water lettuce or salvinia I will try. I will keep some hornwort around just in case since my fry seem to really like hanging out in it. :fish:
For fry, java moss and guppy grass are great (although the water sprite works great for me too - colony breeding/selling swordtails).
You can just remove the duckweed once it over grows, just like any floating plants @AbbeysDad...

I also recommend Salvinia, not water lettuce.
I wish you lived near me, you could come fish it out from my tanks.

TBH $1.99 with shipping isn't bad, if you want duckweed. I'd recommend water lettuce or frogbit, or some of the bigger floating plants.
I regard duckweed as a nuisance and a real pain to get rid of.
amen, the stuff reproduces like mad and you'll soon have a 1" thick carpet across the top of your tank.
You can just remove the duckweed once it over grows, just like any floating plants @AbbeysDad...

I also recommend Salvinia, not water lettuce.
Pop over and do mine will you. If you can guarantee it won't return I'll buy you that 55G tank you're after :) (no harming my fish or adding chemicals though).
Pop over and do mine will you. If you can guarantee it won't return I'll buy you that 55G tank you're after :) (no harming my fish or adding chemicals though).
Move your fish to another tank, drain the tank, spray the tank out with an outside faucet.

Can I have my 55g now? :rofl:

(I’m just teasing. :))
My experience is the opposite. I had duckweed, emptied it all out and replaced with frogbit. Because its so small and light some of the leaves hide under water or attach themselves to substrate plants and it impossible to get every single one. My frogbit is thriving but every so often I remove it all, give it a thorough rinse and net out whatever duckweed I can see. I'm afraid these tanks will have duckweed as long as they exist. Its not a huge problem, but if I had to do it all over again I would never have introduced duckweed.
Are there different types of frogbit like broad or small leaf ?

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