Dslr Tips Please


comfortably numb
May 23, 2008
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think i posted this in the wrong section before , so mods i appologise for the double post .

i have borrowed my mates canon eos digital rebel xti so i can get some good shots of my oscars. ive got the 18-55mm lens and a portrait lens. ive been getting thge best results with the portrait lens . now im a photography numpty so i could use a bit of advice . so far the best shots ive got have been with the dial set to "av" and the f stop on 4 with white balance on flourecent light . anybody with some sound knowledge of dlsr that can explain in idiot terms how to best set the camera up for the best results ( without flash) would be greatly appreciated.
havent got 1 mate . got some good enough shots for my journal tho , so im happy enough for now .
Better with a Macro Lens M8

Not true at all.

Most of the DSLR lenses have pretty good macro ability from the start.
I am using a Canon and find if you bump the ISO up, shutter speed of at least 1/60, f stop as low as you can go, you will net good results.
NO FLASH, REPEAT NO FLASH. Unless you are using a external flash pointing down into the tank from above.

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