Camallanus? worm help, please!

Even if the advice is to just wait until Colin or @emeraldking can give advice, or I see more obvious signs, I'm having to sit on my hands to stop myself from throwing too much at them, the camallanus worms last time clearly traumatised me.
I just referred to what Essjay has mentioned.
I wasn't around this week as well. Had to finish an article for the Poecilia news September edition. I had the deadline on August 10th. So, I'm in time...
I would go for Essjay's advice from what I've read overhere...
Thank you :) All tanks have had their first dose of ndx, big water changes, and are on day two of treatment with gdex and 2000. Has cost me a small fortune in medications, but that sickly looking female is still hanging in there, and I don't want to lose more fry, so going to make sure they get the repeat doses too and be sure any worms are gone.

Thank you kindly, always value your input when it comes to livebearers!
Update :D

Only two tanks running right now, 15-16 gallon has the shrimp, otos, and guppies, and 46 gallon (dad said it was a 55, but I measured before dosing meds and it's actually a 46) has mollies, platies and others. I had to delay treatment by a few days in order for more meds to arrive to have enough to treat both tanks. Treated both tanks with ndx (anti round worm) on August 6th, large water changes 24 hours later. No signs of improvement in the sickly fish, so suspect it's flatworms they were struggling with.

gdex (roundworm treatment) and 2000 (anti-bacterial) arrived and dosed on the 8th, both tanks treated. Three day course given, and the sickly looking female and fry perked up quickly, and look normal and healthy now, so seems to confirm it was roundworms making them struggle. Water tested on 12th and there was an ammonia spike, I suspect the antibacterial med killed a lot of beneficial bacteria and crashed the cycle. My tank only showed low levels, but it's heavily planted; the 46 gallon had much higher levels, large water changes done on both. My mistake in not testing the water during and immediately after treatment. Since treatment started, I have lost two otocinclus and a shrimp, and one fry - the one that had seemed the most badly affected before treatment started. One oto on the 7th, one on the 11th. I think the shrimp and perhaps one oto were due to ammonia spike, not necessarily the meds themselves. The other otocinclus might also be unconnected since it was before ammonia spike, my otos have been in hard water for nearly a year now :( so it might well have been internal organ damage from mineral content, or it was from the NDX, but the other otos don't appear to be stuggling. The one that passed had seemed stressed the day before :(

My tank survived the ammonia spike pretty well since it's heavily planted, the 46 gallon more affected, but those fish all survived well and seemed unaffected. Large water changes and adding a big bunch of elodea had water parameters back to normal levels quickly.

Started second course of gdex and 2000 yesterday, monitoring water parameters more closely this time.

So I think despite not being able to identify what worm was causing this, the broad approach to treatment has worked, with fewer losses than I expected. Will complete second course of gdex and 2000 on the 17th, large water changes, then second dose of ndx on the 20th. Will do 3rd dose of ndx on the 3rd September, just to be on the safe side since I never want to go through this again, then I'll feel safe enough to move fish into new set ups after bleaching all equipment used again.
Have you measured our (UK) gallons? 46 of our gallons is equal to 55 of their (US) gallons
Oh... wait, you're right! I read it wrong, lol. I wrote down the dimensions then calculated the volume in litres, US and UK gallons. It's 218 litres, or 57.7 US gallons. 48 Imperial gallons. My bad!
That's one reason I prefer to use litres, that way there can be no mistake especially when adding things to a tank ;)
Have you measured our (UK) gallons? 46 of our gallons is equal to 55 of their (US) gallons
So his is 218 litres = 57.7 US gallons
My two are 59 litres = 15.5 US gallons

And my new one that I think of as a ten gallon is actually 48 litres = 12.6 US gallons :)
Thank you for the help, you know I'm a maths dunce :teacher:
That's one reason I prefer to use litres, that way there can be no mistake especially when adding things to a tank ;)
That's true, I've been using litres for dosing, so no worries there, and have the dimensions and volumes written down in tank log so I don't mess that up. I just tend to think of them and talk about them in US gallons since a lot of these forums are US heavy. But I was going off memory when writing this and had read the UK gallons in my notebook before. Since the meds are dosed by litre, I used litres so I could be precise.

Question is - when referring to my tanks that are 15.56 something gallons, should I call them 15 and a bit gallons? :lol:
I'd call it 15 gallons :)

I would always advise UK members to use litres for things like medication. The vast majority of brands use American gallons when giving the dose rate but King British uses Imperial gallons, and there may be others which do as well. Using litres, there is no doubt how much to dose.
I'd call it 15 gallons :)

I would always advise UK members to use litres for things like medication. The vast majority of brands use American gallons when giving the dose rate but King British uses Imperial gallons, and there may be others which do as well. Using litres, there is no doubt how much to dose.
Yep, that was my thinking too. Knowing how bad I am at maths, and at remembering things, I measured the tanks in cms and inches, then used those aquarium volume calculators. I wrote down the litres and US gallons and UK gallons, since I wasn't sure then (this was a while ago) whether people were referring to US or UK gallons on forums like this, just so I'd know. I know now that people mean US gallons in the hobby, but never crossed out the UK gallons, so confused myself. But dosing by one drop per litre (minus a couple for substrate/hardscape) made the most sense. Especially since my tanks are all 15.5 or 57.77 gallons, better to work it out the doses in litres so it's right :)

I had to write out the schedule of how many drops per tank on which days so I wouldn't confuse myself, better to be safe when using three different medications.

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