Depending on how much carbon you used, will determine how much medication was removed from the water by the carbon. A small cartridge might not be enough to remove all the medication. Residual medication can also sit in the gravel and leach out over weeks or months after treatment.
The best way to remove chemicals from an aquarium is by doing big (75%) daily water changes and gravel cleaning the substrate. After a week of this there shouldn't be any medication left and the filter should start to recover. However, you also need to clean the filter before and after medicating the fish. You do it before treatment to remove the gunk in the filter so the medication can work on the fish. You clean it after treatment to remove any dead micro-organisms and leftover medication in the filter.
It can take a couple of months for an aquarium to recover after treatment. This is common when antibiotics have been used. Adding a liquid filter bacteria supplement can sometimes help, but normally it's just a matter of waiting until the bacteria recolonises the aquarium.
If you use a filter bacteria supplement, add a double dose every day for a week, then pour the remaining contents into the tank. try to add the bacteria near the filter intake so it gets drawn into the filter where it belongs.