DP's looking frail and skinny....

StingrayKid said:
Would malafix be okay on my other puffers? And, how do I know for sure that it's parasites?
Melafix should be fine for your other fish, but to prevent possible infection from your sickly puffer it is recommended that you quarantine him. This will also enable you to check his eating habits, faeces and behaviour.

Here's a quote from http://www.theaquarians.net/ArticlesandWal...parasites_2.htm regarding parasites:

Sunken Belly—If the fish is eating and continues to lose weight, there is probably an internal parasite present, especially if the waste is stringy. If he is not eating and appears emaciated, his loss of appetite may be caused by parasites or by something else. A sunken belly may also be caused by Tuberculosis. Try to identify other symptoms. (Make sure that you are feeding the fish an appropriate diet—some of these guys are very picky)

Stringy Poop—A good sign that there is an internal parasite present is stringy, whitish poop. Normal waste should be solid looking, opaque, and a color that reflects what the fish is being fed (mostly shades of brown and green).

Once again, by quarantining him you will be able to observe whether or not he is showing these symptoms. The website I mentioned is also worth a look in case he is exhibiting any other signs of distress.
The think is, I have to where to quarintine her. :unsure: are internal parasites contageous? Would a net breeder work for a quarintine?
StingrayKid said:
The think is, I have to where to quarintine her. :unsure: are internal parasites contageous? Would a net breeder work for a quarintine?
Being unable to quarantine isn't ideal, but it's not the end of the world. You will just have to treat everyone else as well. I wouldn't suggest a breeder net as it defeats the object of quarantining - the affected fish will still be sharing the same water as the healthy ones. Also, if you add any meds to the water you will be treating your healthy fish too and it is best not to medicate puffers if it isn't necessary.

Internal parasites often attack when a fish is stressed and the effectiveness of the immune system is lowered. If your other puffers are happy and healthy they will offer strong resistance if they do get infected. To be honest, I don't think you need to worry with regards to that.

The most important thing you can do now is make your sick puffer comfortable by offering plenty of food and keeping her water conditions in top condition. Adding some melafix should help de-stress her. If you are certain it is internal parasites, treat with the appropriate medication.

Other than that, you're doing all you can. Good luck.
Today I looked at my puffers. The skinny one that I tought had internal paristies is starting to look normal. I think she was just hungry or something. Mine were raised in captivity so, I dont think she had the internal paristies...
Excellent news! Keep up the feeds and she should soon be looking like a spotty pea with attitude again in no time.
StingrayKid said:
The thing is though, mine wont eat snails. I will feed them some bloodworms though. Do they have to be live?
a DP that doesnt like snails????send that to ripleys believe it or not! :nod:

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