Dp Tank Mates


Fish Addict
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I've read that Otto cats, BN plecs and kuli loaches <--Not sure about the kulis, can go with DP... I was wondering if there are anyother types of fish I can keep with one? I'm getting a 5gallon hex tank to house a DP on friday and I'm gettin the DP sunday... (if the cycle is completed, I'll be using water from my 29gallon tank thats been set up for like 7-8 months)... Also I've got a colony of snails brewing in a mining bowl (2.5gallons), and I know that ghost shrimps are good to put with DP's (as food)... my question is what about larger snails like black mystery snails? Could one of those go with a DP or would it just be eaten over time? also will the DP eat the shells of the small snails?
Read the sticky at the top ;)

If you have then, all i can really say is all Puffers are different, they all have different personalities etc...some Dwarf Puffers will tolerate other fish where others will attack anything in site ;)
Ya I've read it... but I want to know if anything else can go in there beside the DP(oviously) BN plecs, ottos and possible (not 100% as I said) kuli loaches... anybody know about the myster snail?
if you want snails go for nerites as the shell covers the entire 'foot' of the snail so the puffers have nothing to nip. There are also loads of different colour forms, striped zebra, bumblebee, ruby and horseshoe to name but a few. most other snails will be nipped by the dps if the have any of their body showing, almost no matter how big the snail! you could have 3 nerites and they are VERY effective at eating algea.
no worries... I'll be getting ottos for the tank, heavily planted and I'll put like 10 snails in a week (small little annoying ones that I'm colonizing :p)

EDIT----> Still curious to know about the Kuhli loaches? Anybody know if they can live with DPs??
:lol: I did research on it after and found the same thing :p Thx for the tip though :D so the final is going to be 4 ottos and a DP in the tank :D

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