Double Spawn Attempt

I got the container at Walmart for like $5, I think. Sterilite brand, like the jarring containers I use ;)
On Gabriel's end of things, we've got eggs!!! Not many (50-ish, I'm guessing?) and the female is still


Ahem last time u said 75 and ended up with 200 :blink:
Ahem last time u said 75 and ended up with 200 :blink:
Hahaha, yeah, I know. I suck at estimation :S
There are definitely fewer eggs than the last spawn though (from what I can see, anyway,) so I think my estimate is a little closer this time... besides, I was gonna say 30 but then remembered I always guess too low! :lol:
And here's my pathetic copper CT male and his bride, of those of you who don't remember them. Notice the complete lack of nest in the first pic :rolleyes:. I'm so ashamed.

Copper-black female plakat bride

So, how is that spawn going?

Obviously, something went wrong last night :|
Lilith, as the female will now be called (she has earned her name, lol), apparently decided the male wasn't doing his part and completely shredded him. The splits that were in her fins yesterday have completely healed overnight, probably from all that extra protein she got by eating the male's fins :|
I think the male will live, but I'm not going to attempt spawning him again. He'll be retired to a nice 2.5 gallon as soon as it's time for Gabe's fry to take over the 10 gallon. I guess this means I'm on the hunt for a new copper CT *sigh*

The good news is that Gabe's eggs still look great. I can see the developing embryos inside and there are no signs of fungus. They should be hatching out tomorrow, woohoo!
So, they didn't even get to spawning? :no: That's sad, I really wanted a baby... Oh well! Sorry about your betta.
Oh no!! The poor dear CT. I feel so bad for him, I’ve never wanted to hug a fish so much. … weird I know… :/
Alas, I hope he gets back to his old glory and enjoys his days in retirement. :)

Congratulations on your other little pairs spawn though! :D That has to be a joy, this means you’re a grandmother now? Just fish wise! ;) hehehe
That has to be a joy, this means you’re a grandmother now? Just fish wise! ;) hehehe
Gee thanks, you make me feel old and I'm only 19 :lol: ;)

Poor ol' CT has eaten and is doing ok, he just looks like he lost a fight with a lawnmower!! I'll name him one of these days, I swear.
Shreddie? :shifty: :angel:

Mean of me, I know :p Not his fault at all . . . I can watch for copper CTs for you if you like, though obv everywhere I'd look, you could look too :p But if I do see anything else I'll hook you up. I know you've been after doing this for a while now :)
:( Your poor little Copper boy!! I'm so sorry Synirr, he's beautiful... I guess he isn't into spawning though. Maybe he likes boys? :look:

I can't wait to see Gabe's babies!!! I think I might need one.... just so Shenzi can have her nephew around, ya know. ;0) I'm pretty sure Shenzi is actually orange and green. In her new big heated tank, her colors have totally changed and she looks perty darn orange to me :wub:

THEN~ (hehe, look how buggy her eyes were :blink:)


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