Double Spawn Attempt


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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Last time I tried to spawn my copper CT male, not only did he neglect to build a nest, but he even neglected to pick the eggs up at all and they were consequently eaten by the female. This time, I'm going to try spawning a pair of the plakat marbles from my Mini spawn at the same time, so when the copper pair releases eggs I can pipette them out and use the other male as a surrogate parent for them... hopefully he'll be confused and treat them as his own. I set the marble pair up first, so they'll already have a clutch of eggs before the coppers start spawning (in theory.)

The honeymoon suit... nothing special, just 5 gallon tupperware. The fry, assuming I can actually get any, will be moved to the 10 gallon set up for the copper pair after a week or so.

Gabriel is certainly up to the task!! :blink:

"Hey baby, check out my nest!" :hey:

"That is pretty impressive...!"

Keepin' it all in the family

Say, what colours do you suppose those are on Gabriel's head? ...Could it be orange and yellow?? *wink wink nudge nudge, Wuv* :hey:
(Probably just different shades of orange? I honestly can't tell)

And here's my pathetic copper CT male and his bride, of those of you who don't remember them. Notice the complete lack of nest in the first pic :rolleyes:. I'm so ashamed.

Copper-black female plakat bride

Omg.......Put me on the list for adoptions :drool: :lol:

Wow thats great!! Gabriel has orange in him !! Orange you glad he does!! ( :huh: )

Post more pics!!!!!!!!!!
Well at least your copper male doesn't appear to be suffering from any inferiority complex :p I hope your marbles do well- Gabriel is such a handsome little devil :wub: His babies are going to be gorgeous, you can just tell.

I can't wait to see how both efforts turn out; bound to be some really lovely babies from each :thumbs:
Oooo good luck! I sure hope you get better results from the copper boy. He’s so damn beautiful it sucks that he’s such a neglectful father. :/

I bet if you’re two good little PKs raise the CT ones they will turn out to be better parents than their dead beat dad. :p

Put me on that adoption list too! Hehe ;)
I think the copper male is just old, poor guy. You can kinda tell it in his face. He's still up to the challenge of spawning, just not raising fry... but he dances under that cup like he has built the biggest nest in the world! :lol:
The female was great last time, she led him to the nest and gave all the right signals, so she's a winner for sure. I'll just steal some of Sage's nest when I put the copper's together... he has tons to spare :p
Gabriel seems VERY eager, so I hope he's as good a father as his father was.
Good luck with the spawns Synirr. I hope Gabriel is a good daddy for you. It probably runs in the family. :)
I must say Frost is one of the best daddy bettas I've had. He and Mystic Fire spawned yesterday morning and he is taking great care of the eggs. They should be starting to hatch this evening. :D
Good luck Synirr, sorry, don't excpect me to be buying any, as I have no more tanks left, and I'll be crowded with bettas in a few months.
hiya great pairs u have love them, have u tryed useing a slab of poly insted of a cup? my cellophane male will not make a nest under a cup, leaf almon leaf only under a slab of poly??? maybe worth a try
Good luck Synirr, sorry, don't excpect me to be buying any, as I have no more tanks left, and I'll be crowded with bettas in a few months.
I change my mind, perfect 2.5 gallons at my LFS for only $12.95! I'm deffinately gonna buy one! Could you reserve me one from the Copper CT and Copper-Black PK spawn? Thnx!
hiya great pairs u have love them, have u tryed useing a slab of poly insted of a cup? my cellophane male will not make a nest under a cup, leaf almon leaf only under a slab of poly??? maybe worth a try
I hadn't tried that, but I guess it's too late now since I just released the female. I don't think it would help, since this male has never even made a single bubble the whole time I've had him... plus, even if he has a nest, I don't think he's inclined to actually put the eggs in it, the lazy bum :rolleyes:
I stole some nest from one of my plakats, Sage, before putting the female in with him, so at least they have something to spawn under.

On Gabriel's end of things, we've got eggs!!! Not many (50-ish, I'm guessing?) and the female is still swollen so I'm not sure they were 100% done when I removed her, but she needs to rest and I wanted a smaller spawn anyway. Gabe is being a great father and has the eggs secured firmly in his very large nest *knock on wood*. I'm sooo excited... this should be all marble plakats, with a few cute little DTs... maybe even some oranges!

The nest, in all its glory

See the patch of opaque eggies??? :D
Awesome Synirr. He makes a beautiful nest. Sounds like your spawn is about the same size as mine. I looked at one of my pictures in paint and put a black dot everywhere that I thought was a baby and came up with approx. 46, so there is probably more than that, but we'll see. Good luck with them and the CTs.
Just out of curiosity where did you get the container that you spawned the Pks in? Also how much was it? :D

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