Dory jumped the divider!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I wondered if a betta would try to jump the divider and Dory did! I have a 10 gal split in 3 with Spike (male), Dory (female) and Flame (male). The divider is made so that it cannot be jumped while the canopy is on.
Today I made a water change, and just as the water reached the top, about 1/3 of an inch below the top of the divider, Dory just flipped herself over into Flame's side. Flame didn't see her and Dory dove to the bottom to hide from me because I had a little dish and was trying to scoop her quickly.
SO I scooped Flame into a measuring cup (a fishy one) and put a piece of paper on it to keep him in. Then I stuck my finger in the tank (because none of my fish can resist biting me) and Dory came up to bite me. I scooped her out too, put the canopy back on, and put the two back in their own spaces.
I suspect Dory has been eyeing the handsome Flame and decided to meet him! She's in loooooove!
lol,that's funny. Good thing you were nearby!! One time I had a male/ female divided set up and the male jumped over to the female. I don't think he anticipated what he got,which was a royal butt kicking!! She ripped him to shreds :X
LOL! bless her :wub:

I'm so paranoid that my guys might try jumping the divider. They have never showed signs of jumping but lately they do it when I feed them. One of my girls in the female community tank hit the open tank lid the other day :rofl:

What's with the biting? do they actually have teeth? :unsure:
That has happened to me once before and also while I am cleaning in the tank the dividers get moved a bit and sometimes they sneek their way past and I get frantic and am trying to get whatever I can get my hands on to quickly get them out :lol: When that's happened though the boys arn't sure whats going on..they don't have a chance to hurt eachother :)

Mine also bite but it never hurts..just kinda feels like a little suction or something. Can they hurt you?? :huh:
The biting is pure fun. They think they have teeth and they are ripping you to shreds, but to us it just feels like Elisabeth said, kind of a sucking.
Flame wants to bite so bad, he ignores his food until I stick my finger in and let him attack me. Then I guess he feels he has killed me and he will go eat.
Its one of those silly things that I love about the bettas!
LOL! I like the sound of him thinking he killed you so then he can eat :rofl:

Oooh Wuv do they really have teeth?! :crazy:

My female Fleur just hit the tank lid again jumping up to get a pellet. She nearly hit me on the nose! I'm getting kind of worried now that they are gonna jump out while I'm feeding them and go flip flopping on the floor till my cat scoffs them :sick:
awww,naughty cats!! :grr: :rolleyes:

Yes,they really do have teeth. It's said that the bite of a betta is equivalent to that of a shark,if only the betta were as large as the shark.
wuvmybetta said:
Yes,they really do have teeth. It's said that the bite of a betta is equivalent to that of a shark,if only the betta were as large as the shark.
That is quite interesting, I think I knew they have teeth, thats why they can do so much damage to each other, but to think of them as teeny tiny sharks, well, thats even more fun!

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