Hmm...damsels might not have been the best idea. They went from being impressively well-behaved to one of them going "RARR I'M A TYRANNOSAURUS" but it seems more fear-based than territorial (best defense is a good offense?). I'll see how it goes. I've got other places I can put those two as well; so nothing catastrophic can happen really.
I think I'm more likely just stubborn LOL. I would be lying if I said elephant ear mushrooms hadn't crossed my mind at times.
Maroons and tomatos are hard. I knew they were when I went for them. Mine won't bite though! Yet at least. And it's not for lack of trying. You know...for science LOL it had to be tested. Seriously though, I can't make them bite, they just slap me with their tails.
There are lots of BTA-killing maroon clown stories out there, it's just by different methods - and they're all environmentally induced in some way, so it doesn't seem beyond possibility that mine is just a version of that. The "hardness" of maroons is largely frustration with trying to satisfy their needs, which people aggrevatingly have not documented well. I've wondered about going to people at U of Maine sometimes about the strangeness since they breed these beasts. People also say they're too difficult to pair, but again it's just a matter of decoding the cryptic way their little brains work. Assuming they have brains. One wonders after the oyster incident.
Speaking of decoding cryptic behavior...

You got a lot of patience
I think I'm more likely just stubborn LOL. I would be lying if I said elephant ear mushrooms hadn't crossed my mind at times.
Maroons and tomatos are hard. I knew they were when I went for them. Mine won't bite though! Yet at least. And it's not for lack of trying. You know...for science LOL it had to be tested. Seriously though, I can't make them bite, they just slap me with their tails.
There are lots of BTA-killing maroon clown stories out there, it's just by different methods - and they're all environmentally induced in some way, so it doesn't seem beyond possibility that mine is just a version of that. The "hardness" of maroons is largely frustration with trying to satisfy their needs, which people aggrevatingly have not documented well. I've wondered about going to people at U of Maine sometimes about the strangeness since they breed these beasts. People also say they're too difficult to pair, but again it's just a matter of decoding the cryptic way their little brains work. Assuming they have brains. One wonders after the oyster incident.
Speaking of decoding cryptic behavior...
