Dont Know Wat Is It


Fish Fanatic
Sep 13, 2008
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I had an accident last night. I have a DIY CO2 system and some yeast solution went in to the water. I did a 25% water change and reaaranged the plants. I put the Co2 back into water. I let the tank sit over night. Today i woke up and kind of seeing a very slightly cloudy water. So wat is it? Is it the yeast that growing? or is the bacteria blooming all over again.?? My tank had just finished cycling and then the co2 thing happened. Ive prepared another batch of water to do a 25% water change again. Hopefully, it will get fixed? What signs of distress should i be looking for from the fish?? worried about it

My temp for the tank is 24C
Its a 20 gallon.
but what is it? is my tank cycling again as the yeast killed the bacteria or is it yeast propagating? if it is the latter one, then thats not good. I did one water change of 25% and going to do one later on today. Will the yeast destory the plants and the fish???
if that's a bacterial bloom then wat kind of bacteria is blooming and why is it feeding off the yeast?? also, then shouldn't i cut back on the water change and only change 25% as ive done today. I mean, if its actually a bacterial bloom, then that's good for me right...more bacteria to help process the ammonia and the nitrites...

I might be wrong as this is my first tank that just cycled
No its not good, different type of bacteria. Do 50% water changes until it settles down, aaron knows what he's talking about. should go ahead and do another 25% water change as i did a 25% in the morning. That should total up to a 50% water change. I'm sure Aaron knows what he is talking a matter of fact..he's been one of the few people who have been replying to my posts and guiding me as im very new to all of this. but there is one thing though, what kind of bacteria is this and how would the water changes take care of it? Also, in the process of doing so many water changes, wont the good bacteria die in the process
Nitrifying bacteria (the good stuff) lives in the filter. You can do non stop water changes and it won't dent the population, as long as you're using dechlorinator and theres fish in the tank.

The bacteria in a bacterial bloom feed on the yeast etc which is free floating, so doing water changes slowly removes it all.
Hope that makes sense.
yea it made sense. thanks man..i was actually kind of worried about the tank. So slow water changes over the course of the next few days and the tank would be fine hopefully. Also, i should keep doing my plants with the liquid ferts and that wont create an added problem in the current situation ?? basically just keep doing the normal stuff as i would do under normal circumstances?
how long will it take to kill or remove all the bacteria??

Alot of question..i know...but im new at it!!
Honest answer is I don't know, I've never had it happen to me - but from what I've seen on here, a week of daily 30ish% water changes usually does it - maybe less.

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