Dojo Loaches And Shrimps

I probably cant have it because the lack of hiding spots. I just wanted something exotic. I guess ill go buy like 10 ghost shrimp for my loaches to eat. Better than no shrimp. There cheap anyways, the pet store i go to barely gets them, but when they do the shrimp are only 10 for 99 cents. I bet some will survive for probably a month or more(maybe by then they will breed and i will have a long supply of them.). My loaches are peace loving, we have a snail almost a cm big and the loaches never harm it, even when they are right on top of him. Ghost shrimp just dont interest me because you can barely see them.
I probably cant have it because the lack of hiding spots. I just wanted something exotic. I guess ill go buy like 10 ghost shrimp for my loaches to eat. Better than no shrimp. There cheap anyways, the pet store i go to barely gets them, but when they do the shrimp are only 10 for 99 cents. I bet some will survive for probably a month or more(maybe by then they will breed and i will have a long supply of them.). My loaches are peace loving, we have a snail almost a cm big and the loaches never harm it, even when they are right on top of him. Ghost shrimp just dont interest me because you can barely see them.
Good choice. I agree Ghost Shrimp aren't the most attractive of shrimp but they are pretty entertaining to watch ;) As for having them breed in your tank, that is highly unlikely. Ghost shrimp are pretty hard to breed as it is, much more in a tank that has fish in it. When babies hatch they are not tiny shrimp they are actually born as a larvae and will remain so for about 2-3 days in which time they need special care and food to survive and become little shrimplets. While being larvae in your tank (if your ghost ever breed in the first place) they will most likely die/ get eaten. If by some chance they make it to shrimplets, then they will be eaten :crazy:
Thats fine with me. I'll probably have some survive to be actual pets perhaps. But are they really that hard to see? You have seen my gravel, you think they would be camoflauged into it and be hard to see?
Thats fine with me. I'll probably have some survive to be actual pets perhaps. But are they really that hard to see? You have seen my gravel, you think they would be camouflaged into it and be hard to see?
I am pretty sure you will be able to see them, they really are not that hard to see. I had them in my tank with light bronze gravel and could always see them ;)
If the ghost shrimp survive you may be able to get amanos..

I guess buying ghost shrimp is a good way to test the dojos out to see if they are shrimp eaters.
I'm not going to get Amanos anyways. Some people are saying the shrimp wil lget stress since theres basically no where to hide.
OMG A TURNING POINT!!! Ok new plan... Not getting ghost. But i am getting amano. I talked to her today at the store. She said amanos do finewith out any hiding spots, as long as they can climb somewhere (my building). AND donya has full grown dojos with her amano shrimp. I do not know when i will get them,BUT i did not come home empty handed!!! They had leftover rubber plecos from last week so i got one. I already have an algae eater but... my chinese algae eater is the laziest fish ever!!! He will not eat algae in tank, instead he just waits for wafers... I will post pics of my new pleco when he gets comfortable with the tank.
I always found amanos very shy in community tanks and tended to stay in the plants although in my nano tank that only houses tiny fish they are very active.

Dojo loaches should really be kept in coldwater setups though, dont know if amanos can, I know cherries can.
Ok this is getting stupid... I am not going to deal with the Amanos, dont want to risk is being it actually cost money. Ill just get the ghost.

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