Dojo Loaches And Shrimps


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2007
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Ok I have two Dojo loaches, one thats 4 inches and the other is 5 inches. I was going to get ghost shrimp as a pet but the pet store employee (she's very good) said they wouldn't do well. She said to get real shrimp not feeder shrimp. She told me at petsmart they have Amano and Red cherry shrimp. If there are any other shrimp they sell at petsmart plz tell me. Also, which shrimp will survive with my dojo loaches?
Ok I have two Dojo loaches, one thats 4 inches and the other is 5 inches. I was going to get ghost shrimp as a pet but the pet store employee (she's very good) said they wouldn't do well. She said to get real shrimp not feeder shrimp. She told me at petsmart they have Amano and Red cherry shrimp. If there are any other shrimp they sell at petsmart plz tell me. Also, which shrimp will survive with my dojo loaches?
Any shrimp will probably be eaten.
Yep, especially cherry shrimp.
Amano shrimp could work if you get fully grown ones, but just make sure there is tonnes of hiding places for when they shed! Loaches are good at finding hiding sots though...
Yep, especially cherry shrimp.
Amano shrimp could work if you get fully grown ones, but just make sure there is tonnes of hiding places for when they shed! Loaches are good at finding hiding sots though...

Are there any other shrimp I can get that would do well?
How big is your tank and how long has it been set up? :)

Though all shrimp will require hiding places for when they shed their skin :good:.
Well, my tank is 48 gallons. I would like to show you a picture but I dont know how to transfer. I hooked up my bros digital camera to computer, now what do I do? If you mean set up by how long since ive changed anything around, well the setup hasnt been changed for a long time, i never changed it since i started out with tropical fish. (i used to have semi-aggressive)
I don't know how vicious dojo loaches are, personally (or indeed anything about them)... However -- If they're unlikely to attack anything larger than they are, cameroon fan shrimp and vampire (giant african fan) shrimp grow up to 15cm long. The shrimp themselves are pretty much harmless, though they would be vulnerable after moulting.

I don't think smaller shrimp (even amanos) would be a good idea. They'd be pretty much defenceless, and unless they have some pretty impressive hiding places, they might become quite stressed by living in fear so much...

Long arm shrimp would be much better at defending themselves... perhaps too much better. Depending on the species they're often 10-20cm in length and with big claws, they could probably make a meal of a smaller loach. Might be worth looking into though, as there are a vast number of species available.
I kept amano shrimp and full-grown dojos together for several years. No problems there. The shrimp nipped the dojos, not the other way around lol. Dojos are pretty wimpy as loaches go. Their mouths are designed for little stuff and mushy peas and tubifex worms.
Well in that case, go for it. Let us know how you get on. Amanos usually go for between £2-£3 each around here (I keep four of them), and go by various names (caridina japonica, caridina multidentata, yamamoto shrimp...). They're tough little creatures and provided they have somewhere they can hide if they want to, they're pretty good at avoiding trouble. If you scare one -- blink and you'll miss it. :)
Any type of filter shrimp would probably be best as they are larger and 100% non aggressive. However they need a mature tank (6 months+) for enough food to be available to them.
As stated, any invertebrate is vulnerable when shedding it's skin.
Amano shrimp go for £2-£3 each. Fully grown ones are very hard to come by, and when I found mine they were £3.80.

Beat me to it lol...:)
There like a whitish with spots right? Ill get them but they would basically be camoflauged because my tank has white pebbles and the main ornament (a huge white ruin building) is white. I will post pictures later on today or tommorow of the tank and loaches. When i say white i mean liek a dirty white. Does Petsmart get Amano shrimp a lot? And can the shrimp climb vertically on the tanks glass sides?
Does Petsmart get Amano shrimp a lot? And can the shrimp climb vertically on the tanks glass sides?
No idea, pets@home does though and they are similar (pets@home branches use to be called petsmart anyway...) and no, they cant actually climb up a glass surface, but they can swim up the glass easily and do this if they are stressed or exited.

The ones at pets@home over here are more expensive and much smaller. Sometimes they will sell you young long arm shrimp as amanos that will eventually get massive and eat all your fish.
So the shrimp can't really eat the algae on the glass? And does anyone else know if petsmart gets them.

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