Doin the do

Saw them performing the notorious "T-position"
From wiki -
"When these fish reproduce, the male will present his abdomen to the female. The female will attach her mouth to the male's genital opening, creating the well-known "T-position" many Corydoras exhibit during courtship. The female will then drink the sperm."

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Saw them performing the notorious "T-position"
From wiki -
"When these fish reproduce, the male will present his abdomen to the female. The female will attach her mouth to the male's genital opening, creating the well-known "T-position" many Corydoras exhibit during courtship. The female will then drink the sperm."

Blimey, that was a bit heavy
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I got 4 eggs out. There were 6 but they munched 2 before i could grab em. Maybe he was having 2nd thoughts
We need more!!

I really want my bronzes to breed now. But I think I have more females than males, boo
Hey @NCaquatics , I have the Peppered Corydoras eggs (x4) in a cup of tank water with airstone, its currently at 17.5 Celsius and likely to drop a little more overnight, are they ok at this temp? The adults are kept at 20. Thank you

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