Doin the do

Update on the fry of varying age. There's 7 upto now and i just keep chucking eggs in as I find them!
Video is in/out of focus, hopefully more in than out! Apologies for weird soundtrack, either that or hearing my kids screaming in the background

They're getting so big! While at the same time, they're still so tiny, lol. It's weird, but true. They look like little tadpoles! :wub: Thank you for the update!
Looks like I'm on a count of 10 wrigglers!
Spotted one loose in the main tank today! Not an escapee. So its hatched within the tank somewhere which is cool! All the eggs ive seen that i havent removed have been eaten so this one mustve been well hidden! Managed to snap a pic before it wiggled off into some moss
Mamma cory is looking chonkier than ever.. she's one of three females (i think) but the largest. She's chonky to the point where she's waddling around. Should I be concerned? Theyre spawning daily at the moment and I'm not exactly doing anything to instigate it (water changes, live foods..). Feel like she should get a break, would raising the temp a bit do this? I keep them at 21c @NCaquatics what u reckon? Thanks.
Mamma cory is looking chonkier than ever.. she's one of three females (i think) but the largest. She's chonky to the point where she's waddling around. Should I be concerned? Theyre spawning daily at the moment and I'm not exactly doing anything to instigate it (water changes, live foods..). Feel like she should get a break, would raising the temp a bit do this? I keep them at 21c @NCaquatics what u reckon? Thanks.

Her belly is huge! o_O
I think the eldest are about 1mnth old now.. maybe a little more. Hard to snap videos of them cos theyre incredibly skittish when i hover above them. I'd guess at the largest one being around half an inch. Feeding microworms, first bites mainly. @NCaquatics could i pester you again please and ask when would introduce them to the adults? Thanks

Terrible pic of the larger one..
I usually introduce them once they reach at least 3/4 inch AND are consistently eating adult foods. If theyre still fussy on food, they wont be able to compete or find enough food. And anything less than 3/4" risks being eaten.
Just for completion... I've added approx 10 fry to the main tank now... I spot them now and then...

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