"No one is a failure unless you try"
moray -- I absolutely agree! I know it's not really the child's fault, it's just the way kids are when they haven't been taught how to behave around animals, but I'm not a very patient person when it comes to kids... I was never taught how to behave around them, you might say
Never have liked the things, even when I myself was a kid, and will never be having any myself... but that's a matter for another thread, hehe. I can tolerate them when they are well behaved, especially the older ones, but my brother's minions don't listen to a word anyone says.
I don't feel it's my place to discipline my niece and nephew as I almost never see them, or I can guarantee you I could have made them listen to me (I inherited my mother's Evil Eye and Voice of Doom). As it was, they were positioned between me and the dog with the bed on one side and the wall on the other, so I couldn't get to the dog either or the snap would have never occurred... after she did snap I had to kinda shove my nephew out of the way or I believe he'd have tried to touch her again before I could have snatched her up! Luckily the dog is a tiny chihuahua and is only a little over 2lbs, so she couldn't have done any terribly serious damage anyway. She's not an aggressive dog, and her snap was more of a warning than anything... she would have bitten if pushed further, but I believe only enough to get my nephew to withdraw. I don't think anyone, especially my own family, would advocate putting Gypsy to sleep for something like that
. It wouldn't be the first time either; my nephew was bitten by his beagle a while back, I believe. She has since been rehomed for escaping their yard one too many times and piling up some nice fines for running loose in their neighborhood.

Never have liked the things, even when I myself was a kid, and will never be having any myself... but that's a matter for another thread, hehe. I can tolerate them when they are well behaved, especially the older ones, but my brother's minions don't listen to a word anyone says.
I don't feel it's my place to discipline my niece and nephew as I almost never see them, or I can guarantee you I could have made them listen to me (I inherited my mother's Evil Eye and Voice of Doom). As it was, they were positioned between me and the dog with the bed on one side and the wall on the other, so I couldn't get to the dog either or the snap would have never occurred... after she did snap I had to kinda shove my nephew out of the way or I believe he'd have tried to touch her again before I could have snatched her up! Luckily the dog is a tiny chihuahua and is only a little over 2lbs, so she couldn't have done any terribly serious damage anyway. She's not an aggressive dog, and her snap was more of a warning than anything... she would have bitten if pushed further, but I believe only enough to get my nephew to withdraw. I don't think anyone, especially my own family, would advocate putting Gypsy to sleep for something like that