"No one is a failure unless you try"
...Don't worry, I'll not be having any (kids, that is!)
It's just that my niece and nephew came over today and poor Gypsy was a nervous wreck. Despite my repeatedly telling them not to corner the dog or she might bite (they listen oh so well, great parenting skills, bro,) they kept on inching closer when she was trapped between my bed and the wall. Of course, when the nephew reached out to pet her she snapped at him. It made my blood boil that not only did they not listen to me, but acted surprised when it happened, like they couldn't see the stress in her eyes and understand that it means not to touch her... they are old enough to know these things. Not only that, but the niece kept asking to pet her even after this and after I REPEATEDLY said no, she'll bite, and I'm thinking, "Did you not just see her try to take your brother's fingers off??" It makes me wish Gypsy had actually gotten a little skin in her snap to teach the grimlins a lesson!!
Anyway, the thing that prompted this thread is that my father told my nephew Gypsy just doesn't like kids, and my nephew said "A dog that doesn't like kids?! That's weird!!" Is it really weird? How about you people with dogs and/or kids, what are your experiences? I don't believe I've met all that many dogs that do like kids.... or maybe it's just kids that have never been taught to respect animals (she says, fuming)
Heh heh... not obvious which of the two, dogs or kids, I like better, huh?
It's just that my niece and nephew came over today and poor Gypsy was a nervous wreck. Despite my repeatedly telling them not to corner the dog or she might bite (they listen oh so well, great parenting skills, bro,) they kept on inching closer when she was trapped between my bed and the wall. Of course, when the nephew reached out to pet her she snapped at him. It made my blood boil that not only did they not listen to me, but acted surprised when it happened, like they couldn't see the stress in her eyes and understand that it means not to touch her... they are old enough to know these things. Not only that, but the niece kept asking to pet her even after this and after I REPEATEDLY said no, she'll bite, and I'm thinking, "Did you not just see her try to take your brother's fingers off??" It makes me wish Gypsy had actually gotten a little skin in her snap to teach the grimlins a lesson!!
Anyway, the thing that prompted this thread is that my father told my nephew Gypsy just doesn't like kids, and my nephew said "A dog that doesn't like kids?! That's weird!!" Is it really weird? How about you people with dogs and/or kids, what are your experiences? I don't believe I've met all that many dogs that do like kids.... or maybe it's just kids that have never been taught to respect animals (she says, fuming)
Heh heh... not obvious which of the two, dogs or kids, I like better, huh?