Dog With Heart Murmur

also worth mentioning is when you do your routine worming it's worth trying to source a heart worm wormer
We give her the heart worm pills once a month. Talk about expensive. $153 for 12 tablets
We give her the heart worm pills once a month. Talk about expensive. $153 for 12 tablets

That is expensive.
You don't mind spending money on pets but the very expensive.
Can't you find them anywhere cheaper.
That was from the vet. I can get them online for about $125. Still over $10 per tablet.

but you still must have the script from the vet.

Definitely cheaper!
My cat had a heart murmur. Was never given any medication for it. It still caught mice and rabbit and ducks and birds and wiped out a nest of water voles (endangered... Oops).

The murmur was the least of his worries. He led a long happy life despite car accidents, the murmur, the bad diet (my fault for sharing my pizza) and everything else that happened.

So don't worry too much. Animals can still lead relatively normal happy and healthy lives even with a heart murmur, obviously keep an eye for things getting worse but don't worry yourself too much.

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