Dog Tricks..

Diva (the pup in my sig) says HIYA and managed a full ELLO the other day in front of a few customers, she meows, does the paw thing to perfection and thats it to be honest :rolleyes: I'm so gunna get the HIYA, ELLO and MEOW one day on vid. But she doesnt do it by command only when she wants attention and if the camera is on her then she's got the attention already. :blink:
I've never taught her to do these apart from the paw, she just started one day for some reason but her breed is very vocal.
my cats know if they go outside, they need to have their collor on first. so when i have the collor in my hand they sit in front of me and let me put the collor on. before they go out. they come running when i call them back ( most of the time). and one of them shake hand on comand.
I have 2 dogs, molly (jack russel cross yorkie) and scampy ( havent got a clue, looks abit like a labradoodle).

Firstoff molly can sit, lie down, roll over, give me her paw, give me 5, speak, and fetch all on command. The best trick molly does is with a ball and 3 identical coloured cups. I sit on the floor with her, put down the 3 cups, the ball under one of them, then i move the cups around abit then she tips the right cup over with the ball underneath, she gets this right 99% of the time its crazy.

Scampy (who i had off my nan after she passed away) didnt know any tricks atall when we had him, but within aweek i taught him everything thats said above (not including the cup trick). Which is quite astonishing, when you think that this dog never really had any interaction with anyone but my nan.

Seeing as he is so good at learning things i may start teaching him more complicated actions.

One thing both dogs do, is bark at anyone in the family for long enough so that they follow them, then they sit by their leads and look at the person who followed them to see if they will take them for a walk, quite funny with their expressions too :D
awww such cute tricks<3
ive taught bella too herd cats up on command...
and if i tell her get cat down(if its on fish tank) she will bark and normally the cat gets down :)
My dog (sheltie x golden retriever mix) can come when she's called, sit, stay, down, leave it, play fetch, working on heel (getting her to walk next to us when we're walking her), she no's Go (like when we're changing the babies diaper on the floor in the living room and she tries sitting on our lap we tell her to go and point to where we want her to sit. She goes there. ), she sits her bottom on the bottom step like a person would. lol that's hilarious. I didn't teach her that one though. She just started doing it. I steady her head and put a treat on her nose. She sits there until I say get it. Then she flips her nose up and catches it (most of the time).

My cat (heines 57 farm cat) comes when called and knows down. When I say her name and she's already close to me, she starts meowing.


My dog can sit, sit up, stand up on her hind legs, and can balance a treat on her nose and catch it. She can also shake and lie down, but she doesn't like doing those tricks so she tends to growl when she does them.
my german shephered likes to play dead when you tell her to sit sometimes lol


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Nothing remarkable.

Bing (mutt/unknown)- She sits, barks and goes up on her hind legs on command, but only for food. Her stubborn butt won't do it for nothing heh.
Kiwi (mutt/unknown)- She sits and goes up on her hind legs on command. She'll do it when asked, but she's not the smartest dog.
Cid (mutt/ frenchie & boston)- He fetches his toys. I'll tell him either "Go get your toy" when he leaves it outside, or if I want him to bring me a toy inside "Where's your toy?" and he'll go grab one. He also sits, goes down, shakes hand and goes up on his hind legs. He's also learned to drop a toy when we say "drop it".

All pretty basic stuff but I'm proud of my pups!

Oh and our cat Stewie. He only comes when called heh. He's a smart cat though and I'm sure if we had tryed when he was still a kitten, we probably could've taught him some stuff as well.

Oh and all of our animals knows the word "Inside" including Stewie (he's an indoor cat but we'll let him wander a few feet outside supervised). I say it to get them to get inside the house.
I'll be sitting on the sofa at night with my fat cat on my lap (he has to keep track of me when he's hungry, so he pins me to the sofa). When I decide to go to bed and use the remote control to turn the television off, he jumps off of my lap and runs to the kitchen, because he knows it's time to be fed. If I don't go straight to the kitchen, he comes and finds me and herds me to the kitchen, biting or swatting at the back of my calves the whole way. I can't free-feed him because he eats everything in sight.

My dog jumps up at the sound of the TV going off too, except she runs upstairs because she knows it's time for bed. She's waiting by the bedroom door for me by the time I'm done feeding fat cat and get up there.

Other than that, my dog is obedience trained...heel, stay, leave it, down, sit, etc. She's actually the easiest dog I've ever had...and the sweetest.
how do you train a dog to not be scared of the curtain monster?

Diva is convinced there is something out to get her from behind them when i open the window at night, during the day she does not flinch
how do you train a dog to not be scared of the curtain monster?

Diva is convinced there is something out to get her from behind them when i open the window at night, during the day she does not flinch

You could try giving her a treet every time you open the window at night.
I have two collies which both know a couple of good things for starters they both know not to cross the road without me saying so even if there is the most tempting squirrel to chase they still wont cross which is great as that means i wont be taking them to the vets with car accident injuries lol.

Sam our youngest who is only two is still learning a few things he knows all the basics like sit, stay, leave and lie down but if you shout "RUN AWAY" he will run up and down the hallway which is very funny lol.

Toby our eldest who is nearly 7 again knows all the basics but he also knows beg and left paw right paw his greatest party peice is when asked he can open a tin of pringles by the lid which is great if you cant be bothered to open it yourself lol.
My dog, Molly is obsessed with fish in ponds (as in my avatar) - but doesn't bother about the ones in the tanks.

Her most useful trick is that she will jump on the bed and wake me up with licks if I sleep in on a week day. On a weekend ( dont ask me how she knows), she jumps on the bed but just curls up at my feet).

She will also dribble the ball with her nose if you say NEARER - is too daft to pick it up and bring it.

She will jump at the door and let herself in if you shout MOLLY DO IT, but will just sit and cry until you shout it - again too daft to just let herself in when she wants.

She wont bark on command, but will bark NON STOP from the moment we set foot in the vets to the moment we leave.
Wish I could teach her a trick to STOP doing that!

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