Dog Tricks..


i lurvs the feesh 3
Oct 26, 2007
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Ok the majority of us have had a dog or own one... what cool tricks do your dogs do or would you like them too do..
when bella's older shes going too learn how too open her cage door.. (were already working on this with a toy hanging from the inside of the cage oof she pulls when she wants out during the day.. mouse comes down at night..
but the trick will be too pull the toy that wil pull the cage door open... saves me trouble of up and down shooing the kittens out of her food :rolleyes:
My cocker spaniel can fetch his toys if you ask him to. Pretty much the only thing other than the normal commands our dogs know. :p
my papillon head butts the door when she wants to come into my room, not sure if that's a trick or not :)
Dexter knows how to give me five and give me ten. I'm also teaching him the leave it comand. If someone drops chocolate on the floor or something I can tell him to leave it so I will have time to get it before he scarfs it down. We also taught my dogs to wate before crossing the street, this is to give us time to look for cars. They also know dance. They jump up and run in a cercle. It's cute.
My dog knows the usual sit, down, stay sort of things, the pup is good for sit, stay and speak, down with a little encouragement.

Years back I taught my Cairn to ask for water by saying "waa waa waa". He was a vocal dog to begin with, I was stuck at home with a finger injury for a couple of months, and couldn't do much with my right hand. I was really bored.
Agility!! Also the basics; sit, down, etc. rollover, high five, wave, "which hand" (sniff to find which hand the treat is in and paw the right one), bow, crawl and of course lots of frisbee and ball :)
all the basics and how to stand and walk on there back legs, piggy backs, sit on a bike on my back standing on the seat , singing, counting talking etc all agility finding hidden objects

i have not personally taught them these things but my grandad is really big into this type of stuff he has taken his dogs to crufts and has been part of the essex dog display team so he has taken my two little rascals on as his little project bless him

lol my dogs seem dumb in compairson... or maybe it's the trainer.. hmm

Anyways, mine know leave it, go to bed (they run right in their crates), give me five, sit pretty, wait, go around (my one dog always ties herself up outside on her lead). and the other basics.

lol my cats know GET DOWN! and kitty kitty kitty :lol:

Petal, Good luck in TTCing!
Petal, Good luck in TTCing!

thank you im gonna need it lol :good: :)

My dog holds the siphoning tube in his mouth over the bucket when im vacuming the gravel, took me 3 days to tach him it..
my friends dog was bread for when they go shooting and she was gun shy but they still taught her the command like go left/right stop and stuff she could also roll over and when u pointed ur finger at her and said bang she would fall on her back and play dead lol
my dog is thick as anything but she can sit, give you her paw, and do this trick on the sofa which is kinda hard to explain :blink: the funnyest thing she does is headbut a balloon when its in the air lool :good:
My lot have a few tricks in their reportoire! That's the magic of a clicker :good:

Opi (rott X collie) is my trick dog, she can stand on her hind legs; sit on her haunches and beg; wave; paw while she begs; speak; roll over; play dead; crawl; walk backwards; play bow; give paw; weave through my legs (and do a figure 8, her favourite trick); and sometimes she does a passable retrieve :rolleyes: She also does competition heelwork for a little bit, and apparently today she decided she can track really well :unsure: Something to work on I think! She also does a fantastic stop on the agility contacts, without a cue!

Remy (dobermann) can spin both directions, play bow, walk backwards, sit on his haunches and sort of beg :lol: his balance isn't very good :lol: kiss, bunny-hop crawl, wave, give paw; he does competition heelwork, does a beautiful heelwork finish, retrieves with present, weaves through my legs and does all the agility obstacles.

Soli (dobermann) doesn't have many tricks - we've spent two years working on her fear aggression to dogs so tricks have been left. But she does spin and give her paw, and kiss. She'll go through my legs as well, but won't weave yet, and her heelwork finish is a bit hit and miss :lol:

And River (lab X collie)... well, River doesn't really do any tricks, I haven't taught her any :blush: She does stand on her hind legs, but I don't remember teaching her that! She does a lovely collie down though, and will find whatever toy she is obsessing over at the time when I ask her to. She doesn't know them by name, but 'get your toy' means 'find whatever the toy of the moment is'. :rolleyes:

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