When it comes down to it though, the owner should be more than physically capable of controlling their dog if anything does happen (whether its just taking the dog for a walk and it tries to run off or fight with other dogs in the park, or tries to attack someone etc). I was watching that program Dog Bostel the other day and they had a young skinny blonde woman with a huge male rottweiler dog, the dog weighed about 65 kilo's and the woman weighed around 68 kilo's. If that dog decided it wanted to run off one day while it was on the lead, there's no way its owner would have the physical strength or weight to hold it back and control it.
Such an owner will always be at the mercy of their dog in this sense.
One the problems with the media and laws demonising of certain breeds of dogs, is that it just makes these breeds of dogs more desirable to the wrong sorts of people.
With staffies, i see a lot of people here saying that they are the nicest dogs ever and would never hurt a soul sort of thing etc- i don't think this is entirely correct, i think that staffies are just as capable of displaying violence as any other dog. I don't think staffies are more or less prone to being friendly or bad tempered, i view them like any other dog. I don't think a dog should be judged on its breed alone (a lot of people are being hypocritical in this sense by attributing staffies certain things like being good family dogs due to their breed). If staffies were such a great family dog, then there'd be no dog attacks within families from staffies at all, but there are- simply put, staffies aren't perfect, but neither are they a bad breed.
I think a dog should be judged as the individual animal it is and not just a statistic or type of animal. Dogs are complex and highly evolved animals, and although there are a certain percentage of attacks done by dogs who are purely mean tempered and nasty, there are also attacks done by dogs who are very much provoked into attacking but are not actually nasty dogs. Just like there are good people and bad people, there are bad dogs and good dogs- saying that a certain breed is bad or good due to the breed it is would be like me saying all chinese people are great or bad because they are chinese etc, which would not be true or accurate.
With the dog attack and control thing, i think a lot of it could be solved by simply punishing people a lot harder for their irresponsability over their pets. Right now the current laws and punishments hardly act as a deterrant, with a lot of people getting away free with just a stern word from the authorities. The other aspect is actually enforcing the law properly- although people can potentially go to prison for many years for animal cruelty or irresponsablity, very few people actually recieve any prison time at all, with most peope just getting some hours of community service (which in a lot of cases, the offender doesn't turn up to, and ends up getting away with that too

Animals are very disposable in this modern society. Millions of animals are slaughtered in battery/intensive/barn/0 grazing type farms every years after horrendous quality of life, we waste so much food too. People don't have to rely on their horse being in good health so they can work the feilds or take them into the village, people don't need dogs to protect their children and animals, people don't rely on having the cow produce lots of milk because it can just as easily be bought over the counter any time of the day...Animals are becomming a novelty in modern society for a lot of people- we are losing respect for them, and we are becomming more ignorant and arrogant.
I think we can make people show more respect to animals by;
a. Enforcing sticter punishments on animal crime.
b. Making people get back in touch with nature- we are too far removed from reality in our concrete cities. People need to be educated about whats out there in the world.
c. Making it illegal for people to breed or sell animals without a license- if i wanted to, i could buy an ill tempered female dog and breed her tomorrow and then sell off the puppies and then mother for a profit. There is far too much irresponsable breeding going on (whether intended or unintended), i believe that if we were able to control the breeding of animals, then at least there may be less unwanted or problem animals being bred because people will have to put more thought into it. We also need to improve the conditions in the larger commercial pet animal breeding farms.
d. Cutting down on pet sales in petshops- many animal shelters are facing over population crisis's more or less constantly now, but at the same time pet shops are churning out a constant supply of new animals. It seems people prefer to buy animals from petshops brand new, but this often only adds to the unwanted animal problem in the long run. We need to encourage more people to adopt animals so there are less strays on the streets or living in despair in shelters- i think this could be partially acheived by incouraging more people to adopt animals by cutting down on petshop sales and increasing the prices of brand new pets.
e. Stop the demonising of certain breeds, but provide more facts about care and keeping them instead. This could partially be achieved by improving the standards of staff knowledge in petshops, as many staff are very uneducated about the animals they are selling, which can often lead to mistreatment of the animal or the rising/birth of myths about it.
I dunno...What do you think?
Oh yeah, the BBC did an article on how to fend off dogs for those of you who are interested;
"No sudden movements
Put hands in pockets
Avoid eye contact
Back away but do not run away
Children can accidentally provoke a dog
Never try to break up two fighting dogs"