Does Anyone Own Guinea Pigs, Post Pictures Of Your Guinea Pig Or Other

^ They're good jumpers too, aren't they?!

We only let our chin run around in the bathroom (we can't catch him anywhere else :crazy: ) and he can jump from the floor to the sink, no problem! He only jumps up there to eat the soap, mind you :blink: (it's ok, we don't let him! We just don't always remember to put it away first!)
Lol they are so cheeky but yet so adorable. Yes your right they are awesome jumpers. When the get annoyed they will let u know by what's called barking (a loud squeak) or if they are out of the cage the will bounce off the walls.

I let mine run pretty much anywhere in the house, providing there is no chance of them getting outside, not that they would run away as iv put them in the garden a few times before and they don't like it, they panic and run back to their cage, but there are stray cats around by me. Also I dont let them in any rooms that have loose wires hanging around as they will chew them.

I don't have to worry about catching my chinchillas. Iv had them from a very young age and straight away started training them to come back to me. All I have to do is tap the floor close enough for them to hear and they will come and jump into my hand :) its so cute.
That's so cool :D

Ours is a rescue and he's friendly ( he particularly likes sitting on my son's head);


but doesn't like being picked up! He 'barks' at the dog a lot :lol:
Haha wicked pic :) nice chinchilla you got there :good:

Mine don't really let me just go and pic them up. I have to tap the floor and let them jump onto my hand and then they are fine. Although Lola can be more stubborn than Charlie at times lol
Chins are ADORABLE!! I wanted one so bad. Glad I didn't get one. Bad enough with a piggy and a cat. xD
Lol I'd never be without chinchillas now. So cute and fun to watch. Very responsive to their owners, more so if you train them. I could just let them out and watch them play for hours :)
All this talk of chins has made me forget to post pics of my piggies :)

This is Fang;


And this is Dr Evil :rolleyes:


They're both girls; moral of this tale; don't let teenage boys name guinea pigs!
They are if you let them sleep through the days. Their sleep patterns are easily changed. Trick is to start waking them a little earlier each day, then they get used to it and before you know it they are awake all day and asleep all night. Mine make sure they let me know when they are awake by jumping around the cage lol

All this talk of chins has made me forget to post pics of my piggies :)

This is Fang;


And this is Dr Evil :rolleyes:


They're both girls; moral of this tale; don't let teenage boys name guinea pigs!

Haha Dr Evil, love it :)
I don't have any guinea pigs any more. Tragic really :( they are gorgeous animals and one day i will have some again, nothing beats the 'wheek wheek wheek' when you rustle a bag :lol:

I had two males in a cage in my room for a few years and it was a bit of a nightmare lol. If i rolled over and my duvet rustled, they started screaming for food! I had to rehome them when i moved into a tiny studio flat with someone else, it wasnt going to be fair on anyone...

Random photos in random order. Really need to sort out the 54 pages of photos in photobucket (54 x 20 photos and not counting 6 other albums lol)

Three babies bred by my friend:

Here are the two boys I shared my room with, they were given to me as a birthday present!

Colin (Agouti Rex)

Derek (a toupe) LOL he was a proper hodgepodge of varieties.

Colin and Derek sharing a carrot with my Black Otter Rex bunny, Henna. Supervised play time only.

Now my three girlies, these poor girlies got to stay with my ex when i had to leave... Though I believe Enid died and Beatrix died when I had her :(

Enid (admittedly my favourite in a long time but possibly *the* most aggressive guinea pig!).

Ginger Peewee (my ex's pig, she was cute but utterly devoid of personality)

Beatrix (she died not long after this photo, the shop had a male in with them but both she and enid miscarried, Beatrix died before i knew what was going on and Enid was never the same again).

Ruby (i went back to the shop and got another female from a different pen and checked every pig in their first!). She looks really evil in photos but she was beautiful and very shy.
Ahah!! Found photos in a different file!

This is Pigapig!! He was the ultimate guinea pig! He lived until he was just shy of 8 and he had a stroke, we had to have him put to sleep.

He was *the* most affectionate soul, he loved human attention, wouldnt live with other guinea pigs, loved the rabbit sometimes but on h is own terms.

He was a proper pet, I was about 13 when we got him lol, we would bath him and carry him around wrapped in towels for hours, we had a harness and he walked really well as he just followed out feet, i used to walk him round the village :blink: (yeah... i really wanted a dog lol) and i used to sometimes bring him indoors (only for 10-15 minutes as he overheated, he was a proper outdoors kinda pig) and he would play with my hamster (i seriously dont advise this, it was a bit stupid! However... they actually played and squeaked with each other and groomed each other!)



Drowned Pig (this photo and the next created a 94 page bashing on my cruelty to animals on some stupid american pet forum... petshub i think... it was epic!! LOL)



I know people frown on keeping rabbitsand guineapigs together and i doubt i would do it again unless the need arised, but neither would tolerate their own species and as they lived in a hutch and run outside (hutch in shed over winter) it was still often hitting -7 sometimes! They needed each others body warmth. Besides... the rabbit loved grooming the guinea pig and the guinea pig...well... i wont repeate what he liked the rabbit for! :crazy:


RIP Pigapig my lad.
Lovely piggies, MBOU, sorry they aren't all still with us :-(

I love your black otter rex rabbit! They had some babies at my LFS/garden centre a couple of weeks ago and I was quite smitten; I'd only ever read about them before, never seen one in real life. Unfortunately my current rabbit is a miserable cow and won't share with anyone else :crazy:

My piggies live (in an indoor hutch, not loose!) in the bathroom, as my dog wouldn't leave them alone when I got him :rolleyes:

We let them out to run around when we have a bath; they go out on the lawn when it's sunny, of course :)
Yeh... I wasnt pleased with Henna... i loved her to bits but...

My housemate and I did loads of research, we both wanted a rabbit, wanted to breed and to join the rabbit club and show if any good babies came out of it. We went to the London Championships show 3 years for me and 2 years for my housemate and spoke to breeders and looked at all the breeds...

We found a breeder local to us breeding Black Otter Rex rabbits, she had good credentials and won prizes! Gave us information and care pack etc when we got the rabbits we had been awaiting.

We should have noticed something was wrong but whilst we knew rabbits, genetics for rabbits were less strong, a bit of research made us really annoyed. The whole point was that the babies were from a pairing we had seen both parents, two black otter rexes, both having won prizes. When picking up the babies, half the litter were chocolates and not blacks (chocolate is a diluted form of the black gene... bred from what was essentially a poor quality black originally..) a bit of research told us she had used her Chocolate male and Black Otter female...

Both our females browned out and were no good for showing, we also didnt realise we wouldnt be able to keep them together, they tried to kill each other! Neither had particularly nice temperments, if anything, Fennel was incredibly shy and Henna was just nasty!

We had them as house rabbits (Both had Nero 3 or Nero 4? cage each, i forget which) and an hour or two out each day. One day we got home from work and Fennel was just laying in her cage, all stiff and her back arched... we were really upset (the rabbits once out of cage and kept alone were great fun and lovely!) but i went to pick up her body and we realised she was still alive. We didnt know what was wrong but it was neurological, her spine arched backwards most of the time, seizures and all sorts, we rushed her to the vets who euthanised her on the spot, she was sent off for autopsy and i forget the results exactly but the vet said that it was generally a hereditary disease :(

We didn't stop to consider that being siblings... Henna was at risk too... a 14 months later I had to send her to a friend who could look after her and giver her more time out when i moved in with my now ex. I got a phone call to say she had had to be put to sleep with exactly the same disease :(

We told the breeder and she denied all knowledge of ever selling us rabbits (£50 each as well) let alone that she was breding rabbits with diseases/carriers for diseases, we even tried to give her a copy of the autopsy results...

Looking back, we should have gone to the national rabbit council this woman belonged to but neither of us will keep rabbits again thats for sure :( It wouldnt be so bad but this is exactly the same problem we had with our first show line guinea pigs, they were beautiful, lovely satins as well... but when bred the babies all died (the ones in the photo :( ) and then all the adults did too and again, the vets checked them and it was a long time back, i cant remember results but it wasnt down to our care as we hadnt had them more than a few weeks!

Same with the national hamster council, i showed as a member for a bit but they let anyone join and cause havoc with poor quality stock and the lies and complaints and all sorts meant i went to one show, all 5 hamsters won or placed in every class and then told them i was leaving and wanted nothing to do with them.

EDIT: The rex bunnies dont make great pets, or they do... but not if you want a bunny to cuddle or play with, compared to other species... they are seriously independant and not interested in cuddles... you are blessed if they grace you buy sitting on you for a minute... kinda like the standoffish sort of cats.
Hah! I know what you're on about, MBOU!

I was a member of the BRC (British rabbit council) years ago; I bred Dalmation rexes and silver foxes (but we did quite a few 'colour' matings to sell to a local pet shop (this was back in the early eighties, I don't think I'd do it now!)

I managed to get some good colours and coats out of them though; even chinchilla rexes, which were gorgeous, though being crossbreds they wouldn't have been show standard or anything!
I can understand breeding for litters with a mix of colours and stuff, but to have two prize winning showlines and breed them together just showed she had a really poor grasp on what she was doing, she would most likely have kept a few babies as well for breeding, there were two she wouldnt let us have.

I mean... blue and brown are obviously dilute forms of black... if you want pure black... why breed to something diluted?

Oooohhhh loved dalmation rexes!! Couldnt find a breeder and couldnt wait another year for the london championship show :p

The other species we wanted...well... was first choice but not likely to happen... was the Belgian Hare... gorgeous gorgeous critters they are!!

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